Page 512 of Savage Bosses
@Tortured_Admin: Can you overlook it for the sake of good ???
@ Undercover_Math_Scholar: Is he good in bed with a little???
@Perfect_Storm: @Tortured_Admin, No! @Undercover_Math_Scholar, I wish! He cheated, got her ??& then??she showed up with the????. I can’t forgive him, especially after coming face to face with the reasons for our breakup.
@ Tortured_Admin:??????! Sounds like drama!
@ Undercover_Math_Scholar: Sounds likeyouneed to quit your ??!
@Perfect_Storm: Not in this lifetime! I’ve worked too hard to get where I am. Besides, there’s some other ??going on here @mafiadomain that I need answers to.
@ Tortured_Admin:??!Don’t end up??!
@ Undercover_Math_Scholar: Yeah, screwing with the mafia will get you??!
@ Perfect_Storm: I’m always careful. Gotta go…someone’s at my ??.
@Undercover_Math_Scholar: Stay ???, Sis! Resist the??!
@Perfect_Storm: @Tortured_Admin, LOL!!!
Fear and adrenaline race through my veins, working to stake a claim on who will be the first to send me into cardiac arrest. Fear over being caught like a little kid with their hand in the cookie jar prompts me to shut down my computer. And the adrenaline over the hopes that Ambrose is knocking on my door since most office workers have left for the day.
I know that I shouldn’t be excited anticipating his presence especially after being confronted with the reason for our breakup all those years ago. I can’t help it though. My heart still beats erratically whenever he’s in my presence, and disappointment still fuels the anger within over his lies.
I jerk the door open, and a smile graces my lips.
“Pleasant surprise seeing you two here.”
“Yeah, well, we’re heading out for dinner, and this one thought you might want to tag along,” Brayden says, pulling Shayla closer.
She smirks at him and looks back at me. “Just wanted to catch up and see how things are coming along. I’ve been buried in cases, and I know you’ve been busy, so I just wanted to see you.”
I know what she really wants to know, and I shoot her a look with a smirk before saying, “Let me grab my purse, and I’m ready to roll.”
“Okay. My guy’s name is on the office door next to yours. He’s moving up in the world with a corner office,” Brayden says.
“You should stop by and say hi,” Shayla encourages.
“No! Don’t…um, he had an important teleconference and said he didn’t need any distractions. The call just started a little bit ago,” I lie, grabbing my purse and rushing to the door.
The last thing I need is to come face-to-face with Ambrose in front of my brother. I’m not sure I can hide all my emotions now.
“Oh…okay. I’ll drop by another time.”
“Yeah, do that,” I say smoothly, closing and locking my office as I lead them down the hallway.
I keep praying that Ambrose and his daughter won’t pop up until after I’m in my car following my brother and his girlfriend to the restaurant.
“Those are the cutest little kids. I can’t wait to start a family,” Shayla says, watching two toddlers at the table across from ours. She turns and smiles at my brother.
He leans over to kiss her before resuming eating his dinner.
“Speaking of kids, guess whose kid I met?”
“Who’s?” Brayden asks, turning to me.