Page 523 of Savage Bosses
“This is a means to that end. Besides, the DeLucas and the Blacks added a stipulation to the contract.”
“What stipulation?”
“We have to retain all staff on record at the time of their contract submission. In other words, there can be no layoffs or terminations. That clause was just added yesterday and sent over to me.”
“Does the board know?”
“Of course they do.”
“I didn’t hear anyone discussing it in the meeting.”
“It was discussed before you arrived. As I recall, you were fifteen minutes late.”
“That’s because you gave me a task to complete for the meeting at the last minute.”
Shrugging, I reply, “Sounds like it took you fifteen minutes too long.”
“You’re impossible,” she says, turning her back on me and heading to the door.
“This tension between us isn’t about that. Admit it.”
“Then what do you think it’s about, huh?” she hisses, turning to me.
“It’s about what happened at Bleu Curve.”
I’d called a car to pick us up and drop her off at her home before I returned home. Unfortunately, she didn’t want to discuss what happened. Instead, she damn near snapped my head off and told me not to speak to her. When I sent a car to get her the next morning since hers had been left at the office overnight, she didn’t even thank me but ignored me when she arrived. That was four days ago.
“You heard me. You’ve been pissed at me since. Trying to avoid me and disregarding strict orders. I should have your ass written up for insubordination!” I hiss.
“Try it,” she says, crossing her arms and calling my bluff. “I haven’t defied your authority nor have I refused to obey any orders you’ve given me.”
“Yes, you did.”
“Name one.”
“You were supposed to hold the meeting to inform staff about the impending layoffs. Adriana was supposed to inform each impacted staff and their supervisor about their impact. She couldn’t make a move until you held the initial meeting. The longer you delayed that, the less time you gave them to prepare.”
“Because I believed that I could find another way. I’m fighting for them. I’m not capitulating! If I held that meeting, it would be like saying we couldn’t save them. And I was right! You found a way.”
“We still need the board’s final signature before we can move forward.”
“I thought your vote vetoed their decision to enforce the reduction in force.”
“It’s not final until I have the physical signatures from Terrence, Beryl, Noble and you.”
“Send me the document.”
She walks to the door again and grabs the doorknob. “By the way…I’m not holding a grudge against you about Bleu Curve.”
I walk up to her, resting my hand over hers.
“How long will you keep running?” I whisper.
“I’m not running.”