Page 526 of Savage Bosses
I glance at the screen to see the waves he references about who will be impacted, when, and the preparatory steps needed to prepare for the transition.
I’ll be going up to speak once Gabriel finishes his presentation, but it’s difficult to stay focused when all I can think about is Ambrose.
A tingle runs up my spine, and chill bumps break out on my arms. Slowly lifting my head, I look around again, and my eyes connect with those beautiful hazel ones. His gaze burns a hole in me, heating me up like a fireplace on a midwinter evening. A wicked, delicious smirk changes his handsome features to devilishly handsome.
I bite back the smile that wants to dance across my lips at the sight of him, looking forward to a spanking or orgasm denial.
“…St. Clair.”
Hearing my last name and the subsequent applause interrupts my thoughts, alerting me that it’s my turn to take the stage.
I leave my seat and head to the stage, clutching my iPad tightly.
Once the applause dies down, I launch right into my speech.
“Rumors have circulated about layoffs. I will start by saying there are no layoffs…this year.”
Applause and cheers swell in the auditorium.
“We’ll be hiring more staff next year. I’m sure everyone knows we’re about to embark on a thirty-two-million-dollar project. It will require more hours, overtime, and commitment to the same excellence this company’s reputation has been built on for decades.”
I continue my speech, providing them with the information they want to hear before stepping down and allowing Noble to take over and give them third-quarter numbers and the fourth-quarter forecast.
“May I see you in my office?” Ambrose’s deep voice rolls over me like thunder.
I turn in my seat to see that he looks displeased.
“I’m scheduled to close out the meeting,” I whisper.
“Now,” he rumbles.
Oh shit!
Ambrose doesn’t wait to see if I’ll obey. He arrogantly steps out of the auditorium, knowing I’ll follow him.
“What was that about?” I ask as I step into his office and close the door.
“I should be asking you that.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Have you always been this hard-headed, or is this some new thing you’re on,Ms. St. Clair?”
“Are we back to that again? If you have a problem with me, just say it, Mr. Charles, because I’m tired of the games.”
“I gave you a direct order not to make the announcement until I was in town,” he snarls, leaning against his desk with his arms folded.
“You’re in town.”
“I arrived late this morning and didn’t authorize you to move forward.”
“No, Tina authorized me to move ahead. She said you were held up for another day out of town and that it was safe to share the news. I wasn’t sure why I hadn’t heard frommyCEO, when I am his right-hand person, and the board chair had.”
I watch as he walks past me and locks his door.
“What are you doing?”
“How often have I warned you not to fucking challenge my authority?”