Page 547 of Savage Bosses
Betrayal was unacceptable and would never be forgiven. Clearly, she’d forgotten that about me if she had the fucking balls to reach out to my mother. But that’s what she was, a manipulator.
Just thinking about that time pissed me off. I should have known something was up when she began acting as if my touch bored her. Or when she no longer wanted to be around me when I worked on the business plan for King Technologies. Even the wedding plans she’d been so stressed about had fallen by the wayside over time.
Then I found out what she’d done, and that shit nearly broke me. It was a fluke that I was even in the area. A potential client asked to move up the meeting date for a discussion about my company supplying a technology stack for a new business line. Since it was such a quick turnaround request, I never reached out to let her know I was leaving the house.
Maybe that’s why she felt so comfortable being out in public with the man she was fucking behind my back. And now she was coming around, trying to ingratiate herself into my life after all these years.
“Nah. Fuck that. Fuck her, too. I’ll make sure Mom knows Marysa is not welcome in our homes or around the family. She made her decision a long time ago. If she keeps on pushing, she’s going to find out what it means to really piss me off.”
Chapter Three
et’s have dinner. There’s a new French restaurant that opened in DC,” I said to Nyla as the executive meeting ended. “I want to discuss the upcoming plans for the new product offering and schedule some meetings with prospective clients.”
This is how my nights usually went. Doing more. Working harder. Trying to find ways to be smart. Nyla was a huge part of that. She didn’t run any of my departments, but she helped me run this company. Without her, I know shit would start to fall apart.
“I have plans,” she said with a straight face.
Hell fucking no she doesn’t.
“Cancel them.” Grabbing my phone, I stalked past her and made my way to the door.
“I can’t. It’s a date.”
Well, that stopped me in my fucking tracks. “What the fuck do you mean? You have a date with who?”
Nyla rolled her eyes at me, and I almost lost my shit in the middle of my boardroom. Jagger was still lingering, but when Nyla made her little statement about having a date, he and I looked at each other. Within moments, he’d left the room and made sure the door was closed behind him.
I leaned against the table and crossed my arms.
Did I have a claim on Nyla? Yes.
Was she aware of that claim? No, but that had no bearing on the situation.
Yes, I had been with women in the past few years. But honestly, fuck them. None of them meant anything to me. They were all distractions to keep me from running up on the woman I wanted and making her mine in front of the entire office.
In all the years we’d worked together, not once had Nyla mentioned a boyfriend or dating. So, who the hell could she be going out with tonight?
“I don’t need to tell you who I’m going out with,” she said with a smirk on her lips.
“If you want him to walk without a limp, you will.” Her eyes widened, and she took a step back. “Cancel your plans, Nyla. We need to discuss the next steps with King Tech, and I need you there with me. You’re the only one who can keep me straight, and I need things moving by tomorrow. This guy, whoever he is,” I snarled, “can wait another day.” Not that I would be okay with that either. All that mattered was that she did not go out tonight. I would worry about tomorrow when the time came.
“Did you just threaten my date?”
I couldn’t help the way I stared at her. “Are you still planning to go out with him tonight?”
She paced in front of me, mumbling under her breath. My hands itched to grab hold of her, pull her in close, and finally taste her lips. How I held off for so long, I’ll never know. My control was slipping a bit more each time I was in her presence, and that was something I couldn’t allow. But this goddess in front of me, with her gorgeous smile, beautiful brown eyes, and hips I wanted to hold onto as I thrust inside her slick channel every damn night, tested my resolve every fucking day.
Those tight ass skirts she wore and the extra padding across her stomach and ass called to my baser instincts. I know she thought I liked women who looked quite different from her. That was only because I did everything I could to make her think that way. Every woman on my arm since she’d known me was white, blonde, and thin.
Even Marysa was white and thin, but unlike the others, she was a brunette. At least there’d been a little variety.
But after meeting Nyla, all my preconceived notions about the type of woman I was attracted to went out the window. She was everything I needed, wanted, and craved. My dreams were filled with visions of the two of us fucking like rabbits. In the office. In my home. On the beach. Wherever I could find a flat surface, that’s where my dreams had me taking her.
“King, you can’t tell me when I can go out on dates and when I can’t. You’re my boss. Not my man.” Her eyes shot fire at me, and I had to will my cock not to burst out of my pants. Damn, my baby looked fierce. “I’m going on my date tonight. I will enjoy the company of a man who’s interested in getting to know me. And then I’ll eat every bite of the very expensive meal I’m going to order.” She paused, as if trying to think of what else she could say to hurt me the most. It didn’t matter if she had no idea that just the thought of her spending time with another man was ripping me apart inside.