Page 55 of Savage Bosses
In her nervousness, she brushed strands of bone-straight dark hair behind her ear. “I’m Zoe… Zoerina Prince.” She stuck her hand out.
The sound of her soft voice made its first ripples against my heart in a long time. It was a warning that tonight would be anything but unforgettable as her name rolled over my heavy tongue.
Zoerina Prince.
I ached to say it.
Yearned to hear her name flood my ears.
Prince. Names had meaning and it was no coincidence I was drawn to her long before I knew hers. I weighed and measured the name against the woman standing before me, finding her intriguing. I was not sure whether my interest stemmed from her being an unknown or the uncorrupt trust I saw behind her bright amber eyes.
My palm prickled with the need for contact.
The desire to test the connection I sensed.
An electric jolt raced up my arm the moment our fingers touched and I was even more intrigued when I closed my hand over hers, letting the spark from our caress settle in my chest. “First visit to the Den?” Either that or she was comfortable in her surroundings. No, she wasn’t, I quickly corrected my assessment. The way she swept her hair over her shoulder again, and her moist palm said she was not. Yet, she didn’t seem suspicious or afraid of me.
I glanced at the man I’d seen her with. He remained seated halfway across the room like a punk. Perhaps it was him she trusted to protect her or the exclusivity of the Den and its patrons.
“What gave me away?”
“Names are rarely used in the Den on Thursday nights.” Thursday nights were open to invited non-members. I nodded toward the masked patrons. “Many hold high positions in politics, run organizations, or need to protect their identity.”
“If they’re so worried about their identities, why show up tonight?”
“Variety.” I let the word hang between us.
“You make me seem like a meal.”
I smiled. In many ways she was. “It’s a night of discovery. An evening to taste and sample. To explore.” Appetites in the Den ran wide and deep. But I didn't want to scare Zoerina before I found out what it was about her that piqued my interest. “Many seasoned Den members avoid Thursdays, preferring experienced playmates, while others—'' I nodded toward her punk— “take pleasure in sharing and sitting on the sidelines watching.”
“Which one are you?”
“I’m not a sideline type of man,” I whispered in her ear. “I’d much prefer to have your cries ring in my ear and discover all your pleasure spots.”
She flushed. “What about sharing?”
The question left her mouth hesitantly, making me pause. It was an odd question considering where we were and what I sensed was about to happen between us as her man watched. I wasn’t a Den member because orgies are my fantasy, I liked the atmosphere, the lack of pretense, and the freedom to find pleasure however I pleased.
“If you were mine,” I growled, more possessively than intended. “You wouldn’t be dreaming of taking another man’s cock. You’d be begging for mine.” I skimmed my nose briefly against her cheek so she felt my touch and her breath caught in her throat. “But if taking another man’s cock is your fantasy, then you’d have to learn to take mine at the same time. Because another man's cock will not be the only one satisfying my woman. No way.”
She blinked and I wished I still held her hand so I could feel it warm in mine from the flush blanketing her chest. Breaths of silence passed between us as she gathered herself. Her thoughts.
“But I’m not yours,” she finally said as if the words were enough to put distance between us. It was too late. Now that I knew her name. I wanted to know more about her.
I smiled at her challenge.
“You said no names, then how does everyone address each other?”
“Conversation flows more naturally than you’d think.” I sipped my drink as she examined the room with new eyes. “And when names are needed, using the color of the mask often suffices.”
Zoerina sighed. “I messed up didn’t I?”
Or her guy didn’t care to shield her identity. No Den member would let that piece of information slip. “I wouldn’t worry about it.” Non-member couples were only allowed one visit a year. What were the chances of Zoerina returning to the Den? It was pure coincidence that I came tonight. I only decided after receiving a call from my friend Shea McCreath telling me he had arrived in New Orleans after getting married. “I can ask the concierge to bring you a mask if it will put you at ease.”
She shook her head. “It’s too late to hide now.”
“Would you care for a drink?”