Page 79 of Savage Bosses
But I didn’t know what went through his mind when he thought about me. Did he see regret, betrayal? Did he intend to remain pissed off or did he just want sex…
Just sex. I blinked the unexpected tears stinging my eyes.
Despite my illusions, I’d had ‘just sex’ with Dax and mistook it for something more. I didn’t want to make that mistake again.
I could handle sex or my boss’s anger but I couldn’t endure both without a path to forgiveness. The longer we remained lovers was another minute he etched himself into my heart.
oerina glanced up from her computer when I exited the office. “Heading out, Mr Hijra?”
I pressed my lips into a disapproving line. Somewhere in the last few days, something had shifted between Zoerina and me and I couldn’t put my finger on it. She still melted under my touch and the air was still charged with our energy, but she slowly retreated to guarded formality when we were alone.
I clenched and unclenched my jaw, not wanting any distance between us.
Her ex had come to mind as the cause, but I had quickly dismissed the notion that they were rekindling their relationship after logging on to Boss Be Damned and finding the site void of any mention of him.
“We are leaving,” I said.
Without a word, she opened my calendar knowing damn well my evening was clear.
“There is no event or meeting. We are going to dinner, Zoerina.”
“You don’t need me to eat and I’m in the middle of drafting a memo.” She tapped the screen.
She was wrong about me needing her. I hit the power button on her desk top. I didn’t care if she was in the frontlines preparing for war. “The memo can wait.”
She glared at me. “Then if it's all the same to you, I’ll go home.”
Like hell.
“Did you have lunch today?” When she opened her mouth to speak, I said, “Granola bars don’t count.” I braced against her desk. “Did you eat lunch at all in the past three days?”
“Doesn’t a partner have more important things to do than spy on his assistant?”
“My assistant. Key word being ‘mine’.”
She brushed her hair behind her ears to hide the shiver my words evoked but I saw it.
“When I pay my employees to have lunch, I expect them to eat.”
“You can’t force—”
“But since you insist on defying me, I’ll take responsibility to make sure you’re properly nourished.”
She stood, gathering her purse and cardigan sweater. “What if I promise to eat?”
We reached the elevator. “Are you opposed to having dinner with me, Zoerina?”
“Then what are we really discussing here?”
The elevator opened and we stepped in, riding to the first floor and my waiting driver. I gave her the time she seemed to need to gather her thoughts or courage. Either way, I demanded an answer.
She paused before the car. “Look, I’ve been at work all day in these clothes. I’m tired and a little sweaty. I wouldn’t make a good dinner companion.”