Page 96 of Savage Bosses
“Now, you’ll never be late.” He told her. His high-handedness was out of control, and she needed an outlet. Her outlet had always been her sister.
Tessa lived in Accra with her husband, Paul Mensah. They met on the Reality Show Blind Love and fell in love sight unseen. Selene thought Tessa was crazy to go on the show, and she really thought she was nuts when Paul stood her up on reveal day.
The entire world saw her baby sister get humiliated, and Selene was ready to fight, but Tessa wasn’t.
Apparently, Paul had a good reason to miss their televised engagement. He apparently murdered his ex-con stepfather before the psycho killed his grandmother and kidnapped his little sister. It was a long, sordid story that somehow ended with her sister being happily married to a confessed killer. Selene still didn’t know how she felt about it,; but Tessa was ecstatic every time she talked to her, and that’s all that mattered. They had enough sadness in their life, it was time for some joy.
“Tell your husband I won't be the one to add to his body count. I can handle Emir Kaplan myself if it comes to that.”
Tessa laughed. ”What’s his deal anyway?”
Selene never told Tessa about Emir. She’d never held anything back from her sister before, but she had kept the night in Atlanta close to her chest. It was special, and she couldn’t afford to admit that out loud. Men and love were trouble, and that mantra had served her well.
Until now…
“Girl, I fucked Emir’s brains out one night a year ago, and he laid me out so good that I forgot my own name. It was transcendent, nasty, and life-altering. My pussy won't even work for anyone else anymore. It’s been a dry-ass year.”
Tessa gasped. “ Whaaaaaaaaat!!! Wait a minute, so you knew him before he became the boss from hell?”
Selene hiccupped. “Yep.”
“And his dick was so good that you haven’t had sex since? What about that Bridgerton-looking dude you left the Halloween party with a few months ago?”
Selene stuffed her face with five chips and crunched. “Nope, I sucked him off, and he gave me mediocre head, but I didn’t let it get further. I was trying, but I wasn’t into it. I don’t know what’s wrong with me; it’s like Emir claimed me as his that night. It hasn’t felt right sleeping with anyone else.”
“Soooo, if y’all had great life-changing sex. Why is he being such an asshole? And why haven’t I heard about him until now?”
Selene sighed. “Ok, I’ll tell you, but don’t judge me.”
Tessa laughed.” I never do.”
“I left him sleeping in bed the next morning without a note, even though he explicitly promised me I’d stay for breakfast before we fell asleep in each other’s arms.”
Tessa went quiet.
“Tessa, are you there? Don’t go all quiet on me now!”
“I’m here. I’m just wondering when you’re going to get out of your own way and choose happiness. Clearly that man felt the same way you did about your night together. Why did you leave like that?”
Selene took another sip of wine before she answered. “I was scared I’d need him.”
“Oh, sweetheart. I know it’s hard to be vulnerable. Lord knows our parents didn’t give us an example of being there for each other or their kids. But we can break that cycle and do better. Don’t turn away a good thing because of fear.”
“I know. Maybe I'll remember that the next time a man rocks my world because clearly, that ship with Emir has sailed. He hates me. He’s literally treating me like his personal assistant. I’m a fucking Spelman and MIT graduate! I run shit, I don’t run errands!”
Tessa chuckled. “Then why are you letting him treat you like this? You could quit, you know.”
“No!” Selene drunkenly screamed into the phone. “I will not let him win. That’s been his plan all along. I will beat him at his own game and get these libraries built. His father is starting to recover, and he’s demanded that I begin traveling to the sites to engage the communities. I’ve been visiting Mr. Kaplan in the hospital, which is why Emir finally asked me for a proposal. He knows I have his father’s ear.”
“OK, but Selene it sounds like he’s just as crazy about you as you are about him. You'd never care about beating him if you didn’t like him. You don’t do drama. I know you care about the Free Black Towns, but you'd find another way to serve. I know you.”
“I disagree,” Selene slurred.
Tessa sighed. “Ok, well I’ve gotta go love. Just think about what I said while you light his ass up on the internet.”
Selene said goodbye and searched Emir’s name on the website. Sure enough, there was post after post of women slamming him for his dominant and overbearing ways.
However, two things were clear to Selene right away. First, half the posts were about how Emir wouldn’t fuck the women complaining. He didn’t even go near them, choosing to give most, if not all, of his commands over email.