Page 119 of The Boss
Shane walked closer, constantly eyeing Dimitrios. “You have every right to be angry with me.”
“Who killed your parents, Shane, and who decided to use my brother for target practice?”
“It’s my belief the Stalker was responsible for both. As for why your brother was involved, that I don’t know.”
Dimitrios finally stood. As soon as he was close to his brother, he grabbed and studied my brother’s credentials.
“Those could be forged, boss,” Nico told him.
“Difficult with Interpol identification. They holograph them to ensure copies don’t occur. Do you know who hired this Stalker?”
“My colleagues and I have narrowed it down, but it’s still not certain. I also don’t know why your family popped up on the list.” Shane seemed adamant. I sensed he was telling the truth.
Dimitrios studied him. “There’s a list?”
Shane nodded. “Yeah, heard about it from a credible source. It took a million bucks to get our hands on it, but we did. That’s how we were able to protect some on the list.”
There was something about the way Dimitrios was studying my brother that disturbed me. He wasn’t entirely satisfied with the answers. I wasn’t either, but I knew Shane well enough to know he wasn’t lying.
Dimitrios closed the distance until he was barely two inches from my brother. The man was taller than Shane, but even without the added inches, his powerful stance should be intimidating.
“One last question. Do you know the real name of the man you believe to be the Stalker?”
Shane took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes. I’m ninety-five percent certain I’m right.”
“Whew,” Havros said. “Good enough for me.”
“Me as well,” Dimitrios told him. “Here’s what is going to happen, Shane. You’re going to work with us providing everything you know about the Stalker and the people who hired him. You’re not going to contact your buddies at Interpol and you’re not going to try and disappear again. If you do, you will face the kind of consequences you won’t like and may not survive. Are we clear on what I’m requiring of you?”
Shane shifted his gaze briefly toward me. He was searching for his own answers and to see if I’d stand by and watch him being placed in the crosshairs. The question had been a tough one for my mind to process. How could it be something that the good girl I’d been what seemed like so long ago could tolerate? Blood was thicker than water, but while I couldn’t stand by and watch my brother being tortured or killed, I would remain by Dimitrios’ side.
After all, he was going to become my husband.
The last kiss had been the most difficult.
My thoughts were indicative of the various emotions I currently felt and had for days. I’d been born and bred on violence and bloodshed yet all I’d been able to think about during the ride to the marina was how soft Willow’s lips were. How incredible her body had felt writhing underneath mine the night before.
I could still hear her sensual mews before she’d nibbled on my earlobes. And the way her fingertips had scalded my skin had set my insides on fire. Now I was sounding like one of the damn romantic poems she’d written.
“You okay, boss?” Nico asked from the driver’s seat.
I chuckled as I rubbed my index finger back and forth under my nose. The scent of her perfume lingered. I’d fucked her for hours, refusing to let her go. My behavior had been more than just insatiable. I’d been like a wild beast claiming her.
Still, it wasn’t enough.
“I’m fine.” Even the best sex of my life couldn’t preoccupy my mind when what I was about to do would permanently carve a hole in my heart. Now that I knew I had one left.
Willow had certainly come through with her performance. I’d been uncertain enough of who I could trust that only those who’d needed to know why Willow had suddenly escaped had been told. That had allowed for a higher chance of success. Hell, I’d been on her friend’s tail as soon as the girl had driven out of the neighborhood. Allowing Willow out of my sight I’d decided wasn’t going to happen.
The worst part had been waiting to see if Shane showed up. I’d begun to think I’d been wrong in my assumptions and in planning something so out of the ordinary. Maybe the worst part had been seeing her anger, her near hatred of her own brother. I couldn’t imagine feeling that way.
I closed my eyes, returning to a more pleasant memory. This wasn’t any kind of ending that I’d wanted nor was it the end of the race for power.
Shane had been decent enough to heed my warning, providing all the information he’d acquired. There was one last piece still missing. That would be acquired very soon.