Page 23 of The Loophole
Hal swept his long, dark hair over his shoulder and shrugged. “We went to a bunch of wedding chapels today, but none of them felt right to him. Embry said, and I quote, ‘Bryson is a classy guy, and this wedding needs to be classy, too.’ That’s when I thought of this place and messaged Ryder.”
“Who’s Ryder?”
“He’s the captain of the rugby team. He and I ended up coming back here after we left the club last night.”
“I thought the team captain’s name was Rock.”
“That’s just a nickname, thankfully.”
“Okay. So, should we go inside?”
“Actually, we’re going to go straight into the ceremony, which is happening in the backyard. It’s all planned out. You’ll come in from the left, Embry will come in from the right, and you’ll both meet in the middle, at the gazebo. That’s where the wedding officiant we hired is waiting.”
“Got it.”
“I’m not sure where Vee is going to be, but he’s probably sticking close to Embry. The entire rugby team is back there, too. They decided to wear their team uniforms, along with cowboy hats. Since they’re from Texas, I guess it’s to be expected. Vee put two of them in charge of taking pictures and a third is supposed to film it, so they might be moving around during the ceremony.”
Hal turned around and glanced at the sky, and I asked, “What are you looking for?”
“We’re trying to time this to the sunset, which will look great in the photos. I think we should give it five more minutes.”
“Sure. Whatever you say.”
“Want me to hold the rings? That way, I can have them ready and hand them to you when the officiant calls for them.” I gave him the box, and he opened the lid and murmured, “Wow, these are beautiful.”
“Thanks. I hope Embry likes them.” The modern bands were made of tungsten, a silver metal known for being tough and long-lasting. They had a narrow channel running all the way around them, which was filled with small, deep blue sapphires.
“He will for sure. Hold out your hand.” When I did as he asked, he placed both rings in my palm and snapped a photo with his phone. Then he smiled at me and took them back as he said, “Vee would want me to get that shot. It’s very ‘wedding photographer.’ Let me get one of you with the convertible, too.”
“Okay. I just need to put on my suit jacket.”
“Actually, can I make a suggestion? If you wear a jacket, you’re going to look way more dressed up than Embry, and you two should match.”
“No problem, I’ll leave it off. Anything else I should do?”
“Lose the tie, unbutton the top two buttons on your shirt, and let me help you roll up your sleeves.” I followed his instructions, and after he neatly folded back my cuffs, he stepped back to take a look at me. “Much better,” he said. “Now you two are on the same page. It’s good that you went with a white shirt and pale gray pants.”
He instructed me to lean against the car so he could take my picture, but he ended up frowning at the results. “You can’t pose me,” I reminded him. “I just end up looking stiff.”
Hal returned the phone to his pocket. “You’re right, but that’s okay. I’ll help Vee get lots of candid shots after the ceremony, when we cut the cake and do the champagne toast. Embry decorated the cake, by the way. He worked really hard on it, so be sure to tell him it looks nice.”
“How’d he have time to make a wedding cake?”
“He bought three cakes at a bakery to save time, so all he had to do was stack and redecorate them.”
“I see. Can we do this now?”
“One more minute.”
I shifted my weight from foot to foot. To make conversation, I said, “So, you and Rock, huh?”
“Right. Which one was he?”
“The incredibly cute brunet with a short beard. Six-foot-four. Wall-to-wall muscles, and an ass like a—you know what? Never mind. For a minute there, I forgot I was talking to a straight boy.”
I grinned at that and gestured at the pink sky. “I’d call that the start of a sunset.”