Page 44 of The Loophole
“He produces a small quantity of a nice Pinot Noir, just enough for himself and to give to family and friends. He doesn’t sell it.”
With that, we pulled into the circular drive. I hopped out of the car and unloaded our luggage at the front entrance, and then I drove to a gravel area to the left of the driveway and parked. Six cars were lined up beside mine, which told me it was going to be a pretty full house this year.
Embry climbed out of the car and took the dog to a grassy area while I stretched my stiff back. Suddenly, my brother burst out the front door and made a beeline for me. He was in a foul mood. I could spot it even at a distance.
Fallon and I looked a lot alike. Or we would have, if I worked out, wore contacts, spent hundreds of dollars on my haircuts,and had any interest in expensive clothes. He was wearing a bespoke three-piece suit, which was overkill for a family get-together, and his scowl carved a deep line between his brows. He came to a stop five feet away and growled, “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Nice to see you too, Fallon.”
“Cut the crap. I heard you got married two weeks ago—to a man! First of all, you’re not gay. Everyone knows that. But also, do you expect me to believe you just happened to meet someone and get married, right before your deadline? I call bullshit!”
He was right to be suspicious, obviously, but I left it at, “It’s funny how life works out sometimes.”
“You’re so full of shit! I’m going to make sure our grandfather sees this for the sham that it is.”
“What do you care? You got your inheritance five years ago.”
He snapped, “Yeah, and most of it’ll be going to my soon-to-be ex-wife, by the time her lawyers finish with me.”
“You and Julia split up?”
“She left me and took the kids. They’re staying with her parents in Southern California.”
“I’m sorry, Fallon.”
His scowl deepened. “Yeah, I’m sure you’re really torn up about it.”
“I am. I always liked Julia. Can I ask what happened?”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “It doesn’t matter.”
She’d suspected he was cheating on her in the past, and I wondered if she’d finally found proof. Asking about that would just make him angrier though, so instead I said, “So, if you convince Granddad my marriage isn’t real, do you think he’ll give my inheritance to you instead?”
“That’s exactly what should happen. I’m going to need it after Julia bleeds me dry, and you don’t deserve it, since you failed to meet the terms of your agreement.”
Embry appeared at my side and took my hand, looking angrier than I’d ever seen him. Even his good-natured dog seemed mildly pissed off. “No, he didn’t,” Embry snapped, “and just FYI, greed isn’t a good look on anyone, especially you.”
Fallon turned on him and snapped, “And who are you supposed to be, the ‘husband?’ Come on. Who are you really, some actor my brother hired? If so, he did a terrible job with casting. I have no idea why he decided to pretend he’s gay, but you two don’t even sort of look like a couple.”
Embry met him scowl-for-scowl. “Shows what you know.”
“Really? Is that all you have to say in your defense?”
“I don’t need to say anything,” Embry informed him, “because your opinion doesn’t matter.”
I loved how fierce he was. I’d assumed I’d have to spend the next few days shielding him from my family, but here he was, doing the same thing for me.
Without really thinking about it, I kissed the side of Embry’s head, in what was meant as a silent thank you. Fallon picked up on it, rolling his eyes as he asked, “Was that supposed to make me think you two are really a couple? Well, I’m not buy?—”
I had no idea if my brother stopped talking or if I completely tuned him out at that point, because of what happened next. Embry slid his hand around the back of my neck, pulled me down to his height, and planted a long, lingering kiss on my lips.
He was putting on a show to shut my brother up. I knew that.
This wasn’t supposed to mean anything.
But I felt that kiss right down to my toes.
The entire world dropped away, and Fallon along with it. I cupped Embry’s face between my hands and deepened the kiss. It felt so incredibly good that for a little while, I let myself get lost in it.