Page 48 of The Loophole
Just like our kiss when we first arrived at the villa, I was surprised by Bryson’s reaction. It felt like he was right there with me, fully present and responding with real emotion. Was he a great actor, or was he actually enjoying it?
Edmund reminded us we had an audience when he said, “I was right to put that pressure on you.”
We broke apart, and I blushed self-consciously as he continued, “This is exactly what I hoped would happen, Bryson—that my little push would get you out there and open you up to the possibility of finding someone. And look! It worked out just as I hoped it would.”
“So, let’s talk about you now, Granddad,” Bryson said. “When are you going to get out there and meet someone?”
Edmund waved his hand dismissively. “I already met the love of my life, and we had forty-two wonderful years together.”
“I know that, but she’s been gone almost a decade,” Bryson said gently. “Grandma wouldn’t want you to spend the rest of your life alone.” His grandfather scowled and looked away, and Bryson told him, “I’m worried about you.”
Edmund tried to look stern as he asked, “Why is that?”
“Because you work too much and neglect your personal life. I know you don’t want to retire, but maybe think about dialing it back. You have a perfectly competent staff, and you could delegate some of your workload to them.”
“And do what, golf all day? I’d be bored out of my mind.”
“How about meeting a nice lady and spending time with her? I know how much you adored Grandma. Everyone knows that. But it wouldn’t take anything away from her if you were to find yourself a companion.”
Edmund was starting to get defensive. “That isn’t your concern, Bryson.”
“It’s no different than the way you always worried about me and wanted me to find someone,” he said. “Now it’s your turn to get out there.”
His grandfather let the tiniest bit of vulnerability slip through when he muttered, “Who’s going to want me, at my age?”
“Are you kidding? Women would line up down the block for you,” Bryson said.
“No, it’s not. Look how well Uncle Charles does with the ladies, and we both know you’re the better-looking brother.”
His grandfather chuckled at that before saying, “I know you’re just trying to butter me up, but that’s true.”
“What I’m trying to do is encourage you to get out there and live your best life. I want you to be happy, Granddad. Aren’t you lonely? I know I was, before I met Embry.”
“I’m too busy to be lonely.” Edmund got up and changed the subject. “None of us have cocktails, so I’m going to remedy that. What would you boys like?”
Bryson said, “We’ll have what you’re having,” and his grandfather nodded and headed to the bar.
Once he was out of earshot, I shifted and asked Bryson, “Have you lost all the feeling in your legs? I should probably get off of you.”
“You’re fine. Stay right where you are.” When we made eye contact, he offered me a shy smile. “All that stuff I said was true, by the way. My life is much better, now that you’re a part of it.”
“Same here.”
“There’s no way that’s true.”
“Of course it is.” Both of us were whispering, since this was a conversation just for the two of us.
“But I took you away from the home you love, and your friends, and?—”
I leaned in, brushing his cheek with mine as I whispered, “I love being with you. If you don’t know that, then you haven’t been paying attention.”
Before he could respond, Uncle Charles joined us and joked, “Are you two telling secrets?”
I said, “I was whispering sweet nothings in my husband’s ear,” which made him grin.
Bryson asked, “Will Fallon be joining us?”