Page 75 of The Loophole
“I’m not going to the hospital.”
“Okay, but you need to get out of the cold. You’re soaking wet.”
He muttered, “I don’t have anywhere to go.”
“Yes, you do. Come home, Embry.”
“I almost burned your house down. I don’t belong there.”
“Then let’s go to the Pink Victorian.”
“I don’t want to burn it down, either.”
“The grease fire was an accident.”
“What if it happens again and you don’t come home in time to save the day?”
“It won’t.”
“You don’t know that. I’m a walking disaster. Nothing is safe around me.”
He wasn’t looking at me, so I got up and crouched down right in front of him. “That’s not true. I plan to keep arguing with you about that, but first I need to get you someplace warm and dry. If you don’t want to come home, let’s go to a hotel.” He shook his head, so I tried another approach. “Dusty needs to get out of the rain, too.”
A tear tumbled down his cheek. “I don’t know why I thought I could take care of a dog. The shelter never should have let me adopt him.”
He started to stand up, so I straightened up and took a step back. One of his hands was tucked in his pocket, and he reached out with the other one when his knees started to buckle.
I scooped him into my arms and indicated the candy shop directly across from us as I asked, “Did you already get yourself some cotton candy? That’s why you came here, right? You told me once that it always makes you feel better when you’re upset.”
“That is why I came here, but then I decided I didn’t deserve any.”
“You really need to be nicer to yourself.” I carried him into the shop and bought two big bags of pink cotton candy before heading to the car.
Once I got the motor running and turned up the heater, I placed a video call to Vee. “I found him, but he’s refusing medical care. I know Yolanda is a nurse, so is she home? I can’t convince him to get checked out, but I bet she could.”
Embry scowled at me, and Vee said, “She’s at work. Hang on, let me see if I can bring her in on a conference call.”
A few seconds later, Yolanda appeared on a split screen. She was dressed in scrubs with her dark hair pulled into a severe ponytail, and she said, “Hi, guys. What’s up?” I told her what had happened and that Embry didn’t want to see a doctor, and she growled, “Get your ass to this hospital right now, Embry.This is not a request. I’ll meet you at the west entrance in fifteen minutes.”
With that, she disconnected the call. Embry was still scowling, but he muttered, “Fine. Let’s go.”
Vee took a Lyft to the hospital, and we pulled up at the same time. He gave Embry a hug and said, “I’m glad you’re okay, and I’m here to babysit Dusty. I’m going to take him to the Pink Victorian while you get yourself checked out.”
Embry was terrible at accepting help. He tried to talk Vee out of it by saying, “You just watched him all weekend, while I was in Sausalito. You shouldn’t have to do it again.”
Vee sighed and told him, “The dog is a part of our family, just like you are. Now give me my furry nephew.” Embry handed over the dog with a mumbled thank you. Vee told me to text him later with an update before climbing back in the ride share and driving away.
Yolanda appeared a moment later. She was pushing a wheelchair, and Embry started to say, “I don’t need?—”
“Sit.” Her tone left no room for discussion, so he took a seat. I hid my grin as I followed them into the hospital.
It turned out Embry’s lungs and throat were irritated but otherwise okay, and the hand he’d tried to hide in his pocket had a second-degree burn near his thumb, from getting splashed with hot oil. After treating him, the doctor decided to keep him in the hospital overnight for observation. Embry tried to protest but gave up pretty quickly.
Once we were in his room, he whispered, “Please don’t leave me alone here. I hate hospitals.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
He must have been exhausted, because he fell asleep moments later. I got as comfortable as I could in a chair at his bedside. Then I took off my glasses and scrubbed my hands over my face, as an avalanche of stress finally caught up to me.