Page 13 of Blazing Reactions
“Your brother’s forces have doubled since last month,” Levi reported, then caught himself. “Adopted brother.”
“Blood doesn’t matter,” his mom said sharply, pain flashing across her face. “We raised him as our own.”
“And he rejected every bit of love we gave him,” Harlynn muttered. “Along with centuries of clan protection.”
Talon’s jaw tightened. He remembered the day his parents had brought home the small, angry boy who’d lost everything to hunter attacks. How they’d welcomed him into their familywithout hesitation. How hard they’d tried to heal his trauma with love and acceptance.
“His choices are his own,” Eldric’s voice carried the weight of old grief. “But his threat to this clan—to your mate—must be addressed.”
“He’s targeting Asher specifically,” Mallory, his other sister, spoke up, her quiet voice drawing everyone’s attention. “The energy signatures... they’re focused on her lab, her home, anywhere she spends time.”
Talon’s dragon roared at the threat to their mate. The air around him shimmered with barely contained power.
“Of course, he is,” Harlynn’s lips twisted. “She represents everything he hates—human innovation, clan acceptance, a true bond.”
“He’s as real a Draker as any of us,” Nellie snapped, though her hands trembled slightly. “If he’d only accepted it.”
“Mother.” Talon gentled his voice. “Your love for him does you credit. But he made his choice long ago.”
“The day you were named heir,” Eldric added heavily. “Though we’d tried to show him that clan leadership isn’t about blood.”
“It’s about heart,” Asher’s voice came from the doorway. She stood there in training clothes, electricity still dancing across her skin, looking fierce and beautiful andhis. “And from what I’m hearing, he rejected that gift pretty thoroughly.”
“You should be resting,” Talon said even as his dragon purred at her presence.
“Please. Your adopted brother’s throwing a tantrum that’s setting off every piece of lab equipment I own. Rest isn’t really an option.” Asher moved to stand beside him, her shoulder brushing his arm. “Also, your security team needs better coffee. They’re stress-drinking that break room sludge and it’s making my enhanced senses cry.”
A shadow crossed Nellie’s face at the casual mention of adoption. “We tried to give him everything—a home, a family, unconditional love...”
“But you can’t force someone to accept love,” Asher finished softly. “No matter how freely it’s given.”
Talon’s hand found hers, their fingers intertwining naturally. He sensed her genuine empathy for his family’s pain.
“He was so angry when we found him,” Harlynn said, her usual humor dimmed. “But we thought love would be enough. Family would be enough.”
“Sometimes the hardest wounds to heal are the ones we can’t see,” Asher said. Static crackled in her hair as she spoke. “Though attempting to kill your adoptive family seems like a bit of an extreme therapy alternative.”
“Asher,” Talon warned, but he couldn’t hide his small grin.
“What? I’m just saying, there are better ways to work through childhood trauma than trying to murder your siblings. Though I might be biased since one of said siblings is unreasonably attractive and apparently my mate.”
Talon struggled to focus on the security feeds as Asher stood beside him, her scent mixing with the sharp tang of ozone from her electrical abilities. His dragon strained toward her, demanding to wrap her in his wings, to shield her from Dimitri’s threats.
“The northern perimeter—” he started, then lost his train of thought as she absently bit her lip, electricity dancing across her skin.
“You were saying?” Harlynn’s eyes sparkled with humor. “Something about perimeters? Or were you too distracted by how Dr. Andrews makes lightning look fashionable?”
“The perimeter,” he repeated firmly, though his voice roughened as Asher leaned closer, her warmth seeping through his suit. His dragon purred at the contact while his human side tried desperately to remember why they were discussing security instead of claiming their mate properly.
“Your control’s slipping, brother,” Mallory noted softly. “I’ve never seen your eyes flash gold so often.”
He couldn’t deny it. Every movement Asher made, every spark of power she displayed, called to something primal in him. The need to protect warred with pride in her strength, creating a potent mixture that tested his restraint.
“Dimitri’s forces are withdrawing,” Levi reported, his eyes tracking data across multiple screens. “Though I can’t take credit for that. Your mate and her terrifying friend just did... something... to our security systems.”
“We improved them,” Lori corrected, fingers flying across her tablet. “While Asher used her new sparkly powers to send your adopted brother a very clear message about messing with her lab equipment.”