Page 15 of Blazing Reactions
“Iwasdying,” Asher said. “That’s why I took the risk. We all know it was only a matter of days, possibly weeks. I wanted to live long enough to maybe find out what all this—” she waved vaguely, “—felt like. Love. Connection. Someone looking at me like I’m their whole world.”
“And now?” Kaylee asked softly.
“Now I have a dragon inside me who very much knows what she wants. While my human side is still trying to process the fact that my unreasonably attractive boss is apparently my magically destined mate. Who I really want to do crazy, probably illegal in some state things to and who I desperately want to kiss. Like, really, really want to kiss.”
“So,” Kaylee curled deeper into the couch cushions, “on a scale of one to ‘spontaneous combustion’, how hard is it to be away from him right now?”
Asher shifted uncomfortably. “Remember that time I tried to explain quantum entanglement at three in the morning?”
“You mean when you couldn’t stop talking about particles being inexplicably connected across any distance?” Lori’s eyes widened. “Oh.Oh.”
“Yeah.” Asher pressed a hand to her chest where the bond hummed steadily. “It’s like that, but with emotions. And dragons. And really inconvenient physical awareness and desire.”
“Physical awareness and desire?” Kaylee waggled her eyebrows.
“Don’t start.” But Asher couldn’t help smiling. “I already have a dragon in my head listing all the reasons we should climb through his penthouse window.”
“And those reasons are...”
“Currently ranging from ‘his hands are unfairly attractive’ to ‘our mate needs us’ with a lot of very detailed suggestions in between.” Heat flooded her cheeks. “None of which are suitable for professional workplace discussion.”
“Good thing we’re not at work,” Lori said cheerfully. “Tell us more about these hands.”
“I hate you both.” Asher grabbed another slice of pizza. “Here I am, having an existential crisis about suddenly understanding physical attraction on a spiritual level, and you want details about my complicated feelings regarding CEO hand anatomy?”
“Yes,” they answered in unison.
“You’re both terrible friends.” She took a large bite of pizza to avoid talking.
“We’re excellent friends,” Kaylee corrected. “Who want you to actually talk about your feelings instead of pretending they’re a scientific phenomenon to be studied.”
“But they could be studied,” Asher protested weakly. “The physiological responses alone?—”
“Nope!” Lori stole her pizza. “No science. Just feelings. Real, messy, complicated feelings about the hot dragon CEO who’s probably wearing a hole in his floor pacing right now.”
Asher groaned. “He is. I can feel it. Along with every other incredibly distracting thing about him.” She flopped back dramatically. “How am I supposed to focus on anything when I know exactly what his voice sounds like when he’s worried about me?”
“You’re not,” Kaylee said simply. “That’s kind of the point. You spent your whole life focusing on everything except feelings. Maybe it’s time to just... feel them instead.”
“That’s terrifying.”
“More terrifying than injecting yourself with mysterious dragon DNA?”
“That was science. This is...” Asher waved vaguely. “Emotions. Connection. The overwhelming urge to kiss my boss senseless while simultaneously wanting to build a life with him. Which is ridiculous, because twenty-four hours ago, I was just trying not to stare at him during meetings.”
“No,” Lori said softly. “Twenty-four hours ago you were dying. Now you’re living. Actually living with all the messy, wonderful, complicated feelings that come with it.”
Asher fell silent, letting that sink in. A gentle pulse of concern from Talon filled her— he was checking on her without intruding. The gesture made something warm unfurl in her chest.
“I don’t know how to do this,” she admitted quietly. “The whole... feeling things openly. Being vulnerable. Letting someone in completely.”
“Pretty sure that’s what the mate bond is for.” Kaylee squeezed her hand. “Built-in trust fall with bonus dragons.”
“And electricity,” Lori added. “Don’t forget the part where you can now literally light up his life.”