Page 25 of Blazing Reactions
My hero,Asher teased, though she appreciated his concern. Her silver-white form banked toward where Harlynn waited with blankets and clothing while Talon split off to give her privacy.
The shift back felt strange – like lightning condensing into human form. She stumbled slightly as her feet touched down, immediately wrapped in a thick blanket by Harlynn’s quick hands.
“That,” Lori announced, helping steady her while holding up clothes, “was the most impressive light show I’ve ever seen. Though we should probably discuss the whole naked-after-shifting situation for future battles.”
“Working on it,” Asher managed through chattering teeth. The adrenaline crash left her shaky as she quickly dressed.
“I’d say you’re working on a lot of things,” Harlynn teased gently. “Like that perfectly synchronized aerial dance with my brother.”
Heat flooded Asher’s cheeks. She sensed Talon’s immediate response to her embarrassment – warm amusement mixed with lingering concern for her well-being.
You okay?His mental voice wrapped around her like a caress.
Besides the whole naked-in-Manhattan thing? Perfect.She finished pulling on the clothes Lori had brought – simple workout gear.Your sister thinks of everything.
She does.His tone held grateful approval.Ready?
“Clear,” Harlynn called once Asher was fully dressed.
Talon appeared instantly at her side, already in fresh clothes, his hand finding the small of her back. His emotions rushed through her. She sensed his dragon’s need to check her for injuries, to ensure she was truly unharmed.
“I’m fine,” she assured him, though she leaned into his touch. The battle’s adrenaline was fading, leaving her muscles trembling slightly. “Just tired.”
His arm wrapped more securely around her waist. “First aerial battle takes a lot of energy.”
“Speaking of energy,” Lori interrupted, tapping on her tablet. “That little lightning storm you two created knocked out power to half of lower Manhattan.”
“Oops?” But Asher couldn’t quite manage to look apologetic, especially when Talon’s chest rumbled with suppressed laughter against her back.
“At least this time you didn’t blow up my security systems,” Levi noted as he joined them, carefully averting his eyes from their embrace.
“No, that was me,” Lori admitted cheerfully. “Though in my defense, they really needed upgrading.”
Harlynn’s knowing smile flicked between Asher and Talon. “Perhaps we should give them a moment to... recover from the battle.”
“Subtle, sister.” But Talon’s grip tightened possessively as the others moved away, leaving them alone on the rooftop.
“You’re hovering,” Asher observed as he turned her in his arms, his hands skimming over her checking for injuries.
“You just fought your first aerial battle.” His voice roughened as he pulled her closer. “I think I’m entitled to hover.”
“I handled myself just fine.” But she pressed closer, letting his warmth seep into her tired muscles. She felt his pride in her performance war with his need to protect.
“More than fine.” His eyes bled to gold as he traced the curve of her cheek. “You were magnificent.”
The simple praise made her dragon practically purr. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He bent to kiss her, soft and sweet despite the lingering battle energy. “Though next time, try not to enjoy showing off quite so much.”
She laughed against his lips. “Says the dragon who kept making his scales glitter on purpose.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” But his smirk said otherwise as he gathered her closer. “Ready to head in?”
Asher looked out over the city, lightning still crackling occasionally between their bodies. “In a minute?”
He settled behind her, arms wrapping around her waist as they watched the sun set over Manhattan. Their bond hummed with shared contentment, dragons finally at peace.
“Thank you,” she said softly.