Page 8 of Blazing Reactions
“They planned this,” he realized suddenly.
“When my mom came back talking about how nice Nellie Draker was? And how I should really pay more attention at work instead of just arguing with my boss?” She let out a weak laugh that turned into a gasp as another transformation wave hit. “I’m going to kill them. Right after I finish not dying and figure out why you smell like a thunderstorm.”
The first shimmer of scales appeared along her skin, drawing his dragon’s attention like a beacon. He nearly transformed on the spot. She had injected herself with dragon DNA. How had their parents set up all this? But was he going to argue?
He’d fought this for so long - fought the recognition, the attraction, the bone-deep need to claim and protect. Now, watching her transform, he couldn’t remember why.
“Because you’re my mate,” he said quietly. “My dragon’s been screaming it for months.”
“Your mate?” She looked up at him, fever-bright eyes searching his face. “That explains why every meeting felt like...”
“Like everything else disappeared?”
“Like I couldn’t breathe when you looked at me,” she admitted. “Which was really inconvenient when trying to point out the flaws in your strategic planning.”
Awave of power that Talon’s dragon recognized rolled through her, this one strong enough to shatter every screen in the lab. Talon pulled her closer as she shuddered, his dragon pushing hard against his control at her pain.
“You know,” she managed between ragged breaths, “if you’d mentioned the whole mate thing earlier, we could have skipped straight to this part without the dramatic genetic experimentation.”
“Would you have believed me?”
“Fair point. Though—” She broke off as the strongest wave yet hit, bringing her first real cry of pain. The sound ripped through him like a physical wound. “Though showing me your dragon form might have been convincing. Instead of just brooding attractively in corners during meetings.”
His phone buzzed frantically:EMERGENCY: Scary tech genius just called our quantum encryption “adorably outdated” and offered to fix it. While drinking her FOURTH Red Bull. Also, both mothers are now discussing mate ceremony arrangements. I’m hiding in the security office because Dr.Andrews keeps quoting advanced theoretical physics at anyone who questions her daughter’s decisions.
Talon sighed and texted back:Just let them all in.
“Lori’s having fun,” Asher mumbled against his chest. “Last time she got this protective, she crashed the Pentagon’s servers. During a manicure.”
The casual way she talked about her friends’ protection while fighting through her own transformation pulled at something primal in him. His dragon surged forward, eyes glowing gold in the darkness.
“You have more than just friends protecting you now,” he growled.
“Is it wrong that your overprotective dragon voice is really working for me?” She tried to laugh but it turned into a gasp as more scales emerged, shimmering like garnets in the emergency lights. “Though maybe we should focus on whether I survive this transformation before you get all possessive.”
“You’re not dying.” His voice came out rough with certainty. “I just found you.”
“Technically, you found me six months ago and ran away.” Despite her teasing words, her hands clutched his shirt tighter. “Though I guess I can forgive you, since your dragon apparently knew we were mates and you were just being emotionally constipated about it.”
“Asher.” The way he said her name made her breath catch.
“That’s cheating,” she whispered. “You can’t just say my name like that when I’m trying to be sarcastic about our mutual idiocy.”
His lips curved up despite the gravity of the situation. “Like what?”
“Like it means something. Like I’m yours.” Her voice wavered as the transformation surged stronger. “Like you’ve been wanting to say it for months.”
“I have been.” He brushed a thumb across her cheek, watching scales shimmer beneath his touch. “Every time you challenged me. Every time you looked at me like I was the only person in the room. Every time I had to leave before my dragon took over.”
A final text flashed:Your mother says to stop hoarding your mate. Her mother says, and I quote, “My daughter was brilliant enough to find her own way to her mate while you all played supernatural chess.” I think I’m in love with this entire terrifying family. Also, Lori just rewrote our entire security system. While criticizing our choice of coffee beans. Send help.
But Talon couldn’t look away from Asher as the last waves of transformation began.
“Don’t let go,” she whispered, all pretense of sarcasm gone.
His dragon pushed forward fully, finally free to protect what had always been his. “Never.”