Page 14 of Modern Romance January 2025 5-8
‘No,’ he said eventually, a mirthless smile twisting his lips before it was snuffed out. ‘I don’t think I’ll give you the satisfaction. You can suffer along with your cowardly father or you can tell him to act like a man for once and admit his despicable past. Your choice.’
It was her turn to be stunned at his unexpected answer. ‘Really? I’m surprised. Ordinarily, villains froth at the mouth to boast about their conquests. I was fully prepared to endure a smug diatribe in return for information,’ she murmured, then tensed as she realised she’d said that aloud. But again, he surprised her by barely reacting.
‘Then you’ll find it refreshing that I’m no ordinary villain.’
Evidently done with her, he started to turn away.
‘Dammit, just tell me! Then maybe I can convince you—’
‘You can’t. In fact, you’ve arrived in time to have a ringside seat to things kicking up a notch. Now that I know he intends to keep hiding like a coward, perhaps I need to finish this once and for all.’
She rushed forward, alarm quickening her feet. ‘Wait! Can we not talk about this?’ Her plea was husky, the weight of her own destiny pressing down on her. She licked her lower lip as she struggled for something...anything to slip beneath his armour. Even if it meant she was hastening her own heartache.
At this point, anything was better than enduring the despair she’d felt for years now.
She was so caught up in her scrambling that it took a moment to realise his gaze had fallen to her mouth, a darker gleam meandering through his stare that triggered a different seismic sensation within her.
For several charged seconds they shifted into a different space, existed in a fraught little bubble outside the circumstances that had brought her here. In those moments, Willow became viscerally aware that she was a flesh-and-blood woman squaring off with a rampantly virile male. One whose pheromones were triggering an unmistakable reaction that drove her a panicked step back. But it was too late.
The predator before her had latched on to the scent. On to the weakness she’d just revealed. Jario’s nostrils flared in blatant victory even as his disdain grew.
‘Is this why he sent you here?’ His voice was a deadly, hypnotising rasp, flaring delicious electricity all over her body.
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ she tossed back, despite the far too pleasurable sensation bombarding her.
His face hardened. ‘Your mother is still alive, is she not?’ At her puzzled nod, he continued. ‘As are a few uncles and a smattering of the senior staff who haven’t yet abandoned his rapidly sinking ship. And yet, here you are, his only offspring, served up like a sacrificial lamb. Or did you concoct this scheme together?’
She fought to shake off the sorcery of his proximity. ‘What scheme? Seriously, you’re not making any sense. My father knows I’m here but it was my idea to come talk to you, not...’ She trailed off as his meaning belatedly registered. She snorted, then stunned laughter tinged with bitter memories burst past her guard, tumbling free and weirdly lightening the knots of tension within her. ‘You think he sent me here toseduceyou? Me?’ Her hand went to her chest, shocked beyond belief.
This couldn’t be happening again. She pushed David and his gaslighting and traitorous accusations aside as Jario’s eyes narrowed.
And just like that, the atmosphere was snapping with live electric currents once more. ‘You’re either very clever or absurdly naive.’
He could’ve held one of those electric conductors to her chest and she wouldn’t have jolted as hard as she did at his guttural observation. Her body was aflame in a way she’d never experienced before.
Fatal attraction.
She’d thought it was the stuff of fiction or OTT Hollywood movies. Somewhere in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean, Willow Chatterton discovered that it was a real and visceral thing, currently tearing mercilessly into her as Jario leaned in closer, his gaze pinning her in place.
‘Which is it, Willow?’
Hell, no.She wasn’t doing this.
‘Neither. And I’m sick of men with overblown opinions of their hotness accusing me of throwing rampant temptation around like candy at a kid’s birthday party, okay?’
She froze the second the words tumbled out, then squeezed her eyes shut and silently cursed the ex whose rampant jealousy, gaslighting and ultimate betrayal had made their six-month relationship a living hell she’d thankfully escaped, even though it’d shattered even more of her heart and trust.
Swallowing the bitter memories, she raised her hand to a suddenly throbbing head, the corners of her vision blurring slightly as she stumbled forward. ‘Look, all I want are answers to a few questions, then...’ She sucked in a sharp breath as she grew dizzier.
‘What’s wrong with you?’ he demanded sharply.
‘Nothing. Well, nothing some food won’t resolve. I get a little hypoglycaemic when I—’
‘I know what hypoglycaemia is,’ he interrupted sharply. ‘When was the last time you ate?’
‘You mean in between scrubbing three hundred miles of decking? I don’t know, I can’t remember.’ Unfortunately, her smart retort came with another wave of dizziness.
Her hand shot out, hoping for something solid to steady herself. It connected with a hard-packed torso. Warm muscles jumped beneath her touch as her fingers reflexively dug in.