Page 23 of Modern Romance January 2025 5-8
She pushed thoughts of failure from her mind as she approached the starting point, which just happened to be one of the junior crew, poised on a jet ski half a kilometre from the yacht.
After her charged exchange with Rebecca yesterday, Willow had expected the crew to treat her with hostility. She’d been quietly stunned when they’d remained entirely professional, albeit with a touch of inevitable frost. While she was sure the speculation was rife, short of blurting out the private and personal reasons she was on board theLa Venganza, she had no choice but to keep her eyes on her ultimate goal.
She sucked in a steadying breath as she drew level with Jario.
Without glancing her way, he rose lithely on his board, the movement so effortless it was mesmeric to watch. Praying for a fraction of that agility she followed suit, her breath catching when she wobbled, earning herself a raised eyebrow from him.
Unfortunately for him, it had the effect of lighting a fire in her belly.
‘Still want to go?’ he drawled.
She responded by flicking up her speed to bring her alongside him, then dashing past him at the starting point.
He toyed with her for the first few minutes, matching her speed and accelerating when she did. Far too soon, she crested thirty kilometres. Heart climbing into her mouth, she pressed the remote to take her faster at the first buoy.
The wind whipped by, snatching at her breaths as the e-Foil rose higher in the water. Zings of excitement whistled through her, the sensation of the superior machine cutting through the water, almost addictive.
Only to be dashed when Jario easily zipped past her, fearless and supremely confident, his loose-limbed grace as he taunted her with weaving instead of straight lines making her teeth grit.
Willow increased her speed, her heart hammering when she closed the gap between them, reminding herself why she was doing this.
A make or break with the only parent whose indifference, lies and apathy might hurt but whom her heart insisted might be worth saving.
She willed the nerves away and concentrated on keeping herself stable as she went up another notch, secretly thrilled when the machine responded with barely a ripple. Confidence growing, she dared to add another kilometre, smiling wide when Jario glanced over his shoulder and scowled to find her so close.
Whether it was her smile or the open challenge within it that caused it, his momentary distraction turned out to be her ultimate advantage.
Willow spotted the incoming rogue wave before he did and flicked up her speed so the lip of her board rose higher in the water, easily cresting over the strong current when it hit a few seconds later.
Jario didn’t have time to adjust.
The wave slammed underneath his board. He wobbled. By the time he deftly adjusted his stance, Willow had shot past him. His tight, frustrated growl made her smile wider, and despite the force of his will pressing down on her as the buoys marking the finish line beckoned, she held her nerve.
She won by half the length of her board, the pump of adrenaline dragging a whoop of relief from her. The young crew member she recognised from the café smiled and winked as she passed him.
She lowered her speed to a more comfortable level and redirected the board towards the yacht, intensely aware of Jario’s gaze.
‘Pleased with yourself?’ he asked silkily, his voice so deceptively soft a shiver raced over her exposed skin.
With any other competitor, she’d have laughed outright and cracked a joke. But the man who raked his sodden hair back and speared her with a narrow-eyed mixture of irritation and disbelief wasn’t the kind to respond well to jokes, especially on a game he’d arrogantly assumed he’d win.
Still, she would not be cowed. ‘A win is a win. So yes, I’m pleased.’
With a rough grunt, he headed for the swim deck.
She followed at a slower pace, her skin tingling when, after grabbing a towel, Jario turned to her. And as much as she hated herself for it, Willow couldn’t stop her gaze flicking over his deliciously masculine form, to the wet trunks moulding his trim hips and strong thighs.
Cursing her body’s reaction, but knowing she couldn’t stay in the water forever, she climbed the steps to join him on the deck, quickly snatching up a towel to cover the tell-tale peaks of her nipples.
‘I hope you’re going to honour our agreement.’ She said it mostly to keep herself grounded, to remind herself why ogling him should be low on, or hell,shouldn’tfeature on, her to-do list at all.
For an eternity, he didn’t answer, his movements brusque as he towelled his torso and fine-haired legs. Tossing the towel aside, he rasped, ‘Let’s go inside. I’m not doing this here.’
After towelling off, Willow followed him into one of the many private lounges. Plush camelhair sofas, cashmere throws, breathtaking rugs and three entertainment and liquor stations coaxed rest and relaxation. But neither of them felt any inclination to take advantage of the comforts.
Jario marched to the nearest drinks cabinet and poured himself a stiff drink. Just seeing the tension gripping him fuelled her own tension.
Okay, enough of this.