Page 260 of Modern Romance January 2025 5-8
‘I don’t want to end up in the socials,’ she said, and this time he believed her. He believed the pleading in her eyes. The desperation in her voice that cut through him. ‘You have to know who you are, Enzo...’
Finally, she was saying his name again, and the sound of it made him relax a fraction. But also, now he was listening because this wasn’t just the mask speaking, it was the woman beneath.
‘Your name is everywhere. On every social media app, on every news website, in every business and financial publication. There isn’t a business in the world that hasn’t heard of or had some connection to De Luca and Co. Your wines are in millions of homes. I know it’s only your public persona that you allow out into the media, but people still know who you are. This trip has been one of the few where you haven’t had to deal with press. So far, I’ve done a great job of keeping out of it, but if I attend with you, that will be the end of my privacy. Everywhere I go it will be violated. I don’t want that. I don’t want the attention.’
Enzo was dumbstruck. He had no idea she had felt this way. Of course he didn’t—why would he? He and Celeste never really talked like they had on this trip. And he got it. This life wasn’t for everyone. He had been born into it. Raised in it. The people in his circle accepted it. Gia...well, Gia had relished the attention. For an ordinary person it would be daunting. Was that why Celeste tried to hide?
But she was so strong beneath her mask, so beautiful—she could thrive in the limelight. Why was she so desperate to avoid it? What had happened to her? She had mentioned a jealous sister... Could that be the reason for her shyness?
Hehadto help her out of her shell.
‘Please, Enzo. I like my quiet life.’
He uncrossed his arms and leaned towards her, gentling his voice to reassure her. ‘Celeste, I will ensure that you don’t end up splashed across the media. This event is very exclusive. There are no pictures allowed in the ballroom, and I personally know the host. I will make sure you remain anonymous to the world. You have my word.’
He would keep his promise, but he would also make sure that a woman as beautiful as Celeste who deserved to shine in the spotlight could find her true self. Her honest self.
‘So, is there a problem?’ he asked, but now it was a dare. Challenging her to step into herself.
He saw defiance in those coal eyes. Fire. Satisfaction curled through him at the sight.
Holding his gaze, Celeste replied, ‘Not at all, sir.’
CHARLOTTESLUGGISHLYOPENEDher hotel room door. She was exhausted, and it had nothing to do with how she physically felt. She was mentally drained.
She’d spent the day with Enzo, and while that was nothing out of the ordinary, the atmosphere was. They had said little to each other since their conversation the day before in the office, beyond a couple of necessary instructions from him. They’d flown to Milan in the morning, then he had driven them to the vineyards in Piemonte, then back to their hotel. The whole time, the air had been thick with questions neither would voice.
Now Charlotte closed the hotel room door and leaned against it. Normally she would ensure her room was close to Enzo’s suite, or book a shared suite with multiple rooms. This time she had made sure she was as far from him as possible to prevent her from doing anything reckless.
Her stomach protested loudly. Anxiety over the ball had made it impossible for her to eat. Her mind just kept going over and over all the possible ways everything could go wrong. Of course, she’d looked at pictures of Enzo at similar events, seen him all dressed up and felt envious that she couldn’t share the experience. She’d always wished that one day she could attend with him. The old her loved social events, loved going out and getting glammed up. But that outgoing Charlotte could never be indulged. Just one picture of her floating around the internet would make all the running and hiding she’d done utterly pointless. She’d done so well to avoid the cameras. Was tonight really any different? If she went to the ball, surely it would get out that she had been at De Luca and Co. the entire time? Then it would be only too easy for her father to find her.
Charlotte’s heart raced at the thought. It made her want to curl into a ball and hide.
Enzo’s voice rang in her ears.‘I will ensure that you don’t end up splashed across the media.You have my word.’
While it eased her mind a little, she was still nervous. How could one man control an entire room of people?
Of course, she knew her father would not be looking through social media himself nor trawling the tabloids, but she knew, given how much her disappearance might cost him, he would have people looking for her. And who knew how ruthless those people were? Maybe Enzo could protect her, but he was a man of integrity. He didn’t think like the lowlifes her father would happily employ to get his way.
This was a mess.
Then, run. Run like you always do.
She loved her job too much to do that. Her quiet life.
It’s not a quiet life, Charlotte, it’s a silent life. There’s a difference, and you’re being a coward.
Her stomach ached, and she reached into her pocket for her antacids. Just as she had done on the plane. Enzo had seen it, but he hadn’t commented.
She just couldn’t get their interaction the day before out of her mind. When Enzo had asked if she objected to the invitation because of their almost-kiss, it had seemed like the perfect excuse, but she hated that she’d lied. Really, even though she ran and even though she promised to be better at keeping her distance, she wanted more than anything to see where that kiss could have led. She realised now just how heady his presence had been since their first night. From the moment they had shared that bottle of wine, he had been in her thoughts constantly. He was consuming her in a way he never had before. The more of himself he showed her, the more she wanted to see.
The way he looked at her before they’d almost kissed made her shudder. It was so different to the coldness in her office afterwards, when she knew he could tell that she was lying. Until she had told as much of the truth as she could without giving herself away.
She’d felt his gaze on her when they walked through the winery that morning, as she jotted down everything that was discussed and making a mental note of the way Enzo tensed up when they reported that Emilio had been there too. On the drive back, she’d wanted to ask Enzo if he was okay. Comfort him somehow, because she could tell he was hurting and didn’t understand how no one else saw it. She’d almost placed her hand on his thigh to do just that but thankfully caught herself just in time and ran her fingers through her hair instead. Had Enzo noticed? She’d seen him grip the steering wheel tighter afterwards.
Charlotte knew she couldn’t remain against this door hiding from Enzo for ever.