Page 277 of Modern Romance January 2025 5-8
‘Where are we staying?’
‘My home.’
‘Your...’ Charlotte trailed off. As his PA, she knew of every single one of Enzo’s private properties. But she had no idea that he had so much as a bench in Ravello.
‘It’s my private residence. No one knows about it. No one has been there.’
‘Then, how do you maintain it?’
‘I bought the property and manage it through a fund. I don’t deal with anyone personally, and everyone who has access to the property has had to sign a strict non-disclosure agreement. Believe me, you are safe here.’
If Enzo had gone to such lengths to keep the place private, it was obviously important to him. Living life in the public eye must get tedious, so she could understand him needing somewhere to retreat. What struck her the most was that he was opening up this secret location to her.
‘When you say no one knows about it—’
‘I mean no one. I have brought not a soul here, Charlotte. Not even my mother.’
Charlotte was lost for words. She watched as they navigated the narrow, winding road to the top of a cliff, then turned onto a private lane with high walls on either side. At the end was a large gate, laced with lush creeping leaves that formed a solid-looking barrier. Not even sunlight seemed to poke through the green lattice.
Slowly the gate swung inwards, and when they drove through, Charlotte saw nothing but a plot of grassy land. They followed the drive as it swept to the right, turning in a hairpin until they came to a large garage door surrounded by a stone structure. She realised that part of the grassy plot was directly overhead as they drove into a cavernous garage.
Enzo parked the car and led her to a biometric sensor. He pressed his thumb to it, and the large wooden doors opened, admitting them.
Soft light flicked on as they walked through the house. Charlotte followed Enzo in silence, and when they reached the large open-plan living area, her breath caught. The villa was huge, made up of cascading levels cut into the cliff. Lush grass and hanging gardens flowed from one level to the next. The outside of the house had looked old, historic. The inside, however, was a marvel of modern design, technology embedded into every aspect of the villa.
This place reflected Enzo perfectly. His love and respect for history. His passion for modernity and efficiency. Yes, the estate at Perlano was beautiful—glorious in its long history, its legacy—but this was spectacular for a whole other reason.
‘This place is amazing.’ Charlotte walked to the large window affording unparalleled views of the coast.
Enzo wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips brushing against her neck. ‘No one will find you here. The glass is one-way. No one can see in.’
Charlotte could scarcely breathe. ‘Thank you, Enzo.’
‘I keep what’s mine safe,’ he said, fingers working to untie the belt that kept her wrap dress closed. He split apart the fabric, hands trailing down her stomach until they slipped beneath the band of her panties, making her gasp and throw her head back against his shoulder.
His words and his fingers sent shivers down her spine. She did feel safe in this place. She was utterly vulnerable at this window, but she felt nothing apart from intense pleasure. She was at the mercy of his wicked fingers.
‘Let me hear you,’ he demanded, and with a keening cry she called his name. She turned in his arms, seeing the satisfied smirk on his face. Feeling against her stomach the effect she had on him.
She was about to kiss him, about to turn the tables on him, when a hard vibration from his pocket caught both their attention.
Enzo took a look at his phone, his smirk falling from his face.
‘I have something to take care of,’ he said, slipping his phone back into his pocket. ‘Why don’t you go for a swim?’
Charlotte looked over her shoulder at the pool outside. She was safe inside. While the crystal blue water looked more than inviting with the sun brightly baking down, there were no barriers outside. No biometric doors or smart-glass walls.
‘Charlotte,’ he said, cupping her cheek, ‘do you trust me?’
Of course she did. She’d told him things she’d hoped no one would ever know. ‘Yes.’ She hoped he heard her fervour.
‘It doesn’t matter where you go on this property, no one will see you. I wouldn’t have brought you here otherwise.’ She saw him drop his head and sigh before he touched his forehead to hers. ‘You’re not living,tesoro. You’ve run so you could have freedom, but you don’t have it. You won’t let yourself. You can’t deprive yourself of everything that could give you joy and still call that living.’
Charlotte had no answer. He was right. She kept telling herself that she’d fled to have freedom. That everything she sacrificed was worth it. That being alone, being lonely, was worth every minute of freedom she had. Yet she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been to the beach or eaten out or laughed with friends. She didn’t even have any friendly acquaintances at work because she was too afraid it would lead to her being dragged back and forced into a marriage with a vile man. She used to love going down to Leighton Beach, her favourite place, with her friends. But she had given it all up.
Charlotte was away from her father and Grant, but mentally she was no more free now than she had been back then.
‘You’re free to do as you wish here. Just know that whatever that is, you are protected.’ Enzo kissed her forehead and left her standing near the kitchen.