Page 37 of Modern Romance January 2025 5-8
Just when she believed she’d expire from the insane rush of anticipation, one hand gripped the railing next to hers.
Close but not touching. A column of heat at her back.
‘Dios mio, your scent is intoxicating,’ he rumbled almost peevishly. As if admitting it annoyed the hell out of him. ‘It drives me insane.’
Despite wanting to laugh, she bit her tongue, partly empathising. She wasn’t so swept up in her stormy feelings about her father’s lies and betrayal not to recognise that Jario was torn about any liaison with her.
The prospect of eventually ripping off the Band-Aid to examine her own feelings shook through her, congealing her insides.
Jario stepped closer, trailed his nose up her neck, lingering on the pulse at her throat. ‘You’re fired,’ he murmured, almost conversationally.
Another bewildering mix of excitement and apprehension swelled within her. ‘I’m aware.’
‘Which means you’re no longer allowed to stay in the crew quarters. I’ve had your things moved.’
Her eyes fixed on the churning water left in the wake of the powerful vessel, Willow tried not to react despite the stronger charge of emotion. ‘Have you? And where am I going to sleep?’
He didn’t answer immediately. She heard him take another sip of wine. ‘All in good time. I believe you owe me an answer.’
The combination of light breeze from the front and heat from his body made her light-headed. Or was it the power and effect of looming decision? ‘And my answer determines where I sleep, does it?’ Her voice was husky, heavy, pulsing emotion.
Several beats of silence passed. ‘Perhaps. I haven’t decided yet.’
The urge to face him, to gauge his emotions, pummelled her but some stronger instinct kept her from doing so. Because she needed to do this for herself, not be influenced by the hypnotic dynamism of the man standing behind her. Not to be swayed by the force of his willpower.
She’d already taken two life-changing steps today, accepted that there may be no salvaging the relationship with her father, and embraced her music. She could take a beat with the next one. Assess whether Jario wanted her for her instead of as a tool against her father.
Reassure herself that it would be worlds away from what she’d experienced with David.
Because it would be a simple, meaningless fling. Right?
‘Answer me, Willow.’ A bite of impatience in his voice accompanied the low rumble that echoed through her chest, then down through her body. ‘Will you stay?’
‘Yes. My answer is yes.’
THEREWASAlong inhalation, as if he was drawing her response directly into his soul. Then he leaned closer still. ‘Again. And turn around and look at me this time,querida.’
The moment she did, he set his empty wineglass on the railing and braced his free hand on the other side of her, caging her in. Eyes the colour of the churning waters drilled into hers, then dropped to her mouth, willing her to repeat her words.
She licked her tingling lips, inhaling sharply when he groaned under his breath. The moment his eyes shot up to reconnect with hers, she repeated, ‘Yes. I’ll stay.’
And as insane as this situation is... I want you. Badly.
She wisely kept those power-yielding words to herself. ‘And whatever happens, happens. On terms we both agree. Including how long I stay.’
His eyes narrowed a fraction, digging behind those words for leverage, perhaps? She met his gaze boldly, even while her heart hammered.
‘You will not rule me. Accept that.’
She snorted. ‘As if.’
Faint amusement flashed in his eyes before gravity returned. ‘But the same cannot be said for me. I crave control.’
His honesty snatched her breath. ‘Thanks for telling me, but that doesn’t mean I won’t fight it when I need to. I’m no pushover.’