Page 55 of Modern Romance January 2025 5-8
Her heart flipped in her chest, knowing the true test of her decision had arrived. ‘How are you?’ she asked cautiously.
‘How am I?’ He gave a bitter chuckle. ‘I’m not sure. It’s not every day you get a call from your daughter condemning you for something she really knows nothing about.’
Her fingers tightened on the phone. ‘Then tell me. I’ve been asking you for months. Years. Maybe if you’d been forthcoming, I wouldn’t have—’
‘Rushed headlong into enemy camp?’
Her eyes squeezed shut, dread and hopelessness drenching her. ‘It’s true, then?’ She realised then she’d held on to a kernel of hope that this was all a giant misunderstanding.
‘Yes. No.’ A heavy sigh. ‘Willow, it was complicated, okay?’
‘Did you take out insurance for just yourself before the trip to Colombia? And did Jario’s father ask you to save his son?’ It felt like everything in her life hinged onthatburning question. ‘And did you refuse?’
The pause was longer this time, his breathing heavier. ‘You and your mother were depending on me. I had to make it home. And the insurance thing, they were Colombian... I thought they wouldn’t need it.’
Knees weakened, she sagged onto the bed. ‘’
‘You can judge me if you want but I tried to get them released when I got back. I just didn’t... Things didn’t work out the way I’d hoped.’ Indignation bristled in his tone, but it died down when he added, ‘I never wanted you to fight my battles for me, but since you’re there...’ He cleared his throat. ‘Is there a chance you can salvage this situation?’
Her heart squeezed tighter, the sliver of shame to be his daughter growing. To be faced with the stark truth of her father’s character. It thickened the lump in her throat, forcing her to stay silent.
‘That’s all you care about, isn’t it? How you come out in all of this? Not that your actions shattered a family?’ she muttered numbly.
He swallowed audibly. ‘Look, I can’t change what happened in the past...’But. ‘Is there a chance he’ll let things go?’ he asked, a mix of hope and fear in his voice.
Willow wasn’t sure why she wasn’t ready to divulge that Jario had agreed to suspend his revenge plans. Because as much as it hurt, she didn’t want her father to think he could get off the hook that easily? That Jario was entirely justified in seeking reparations for his suffering?
‘I don’t know. Maybe you should pick up the phone and ask him yourself. Or better yet, do it in person.’
He inhaled sharply. ‘I see. Well... I’ll think about it.’ He hung up.
Exhaling shakily, she registered that he hadn’t asked how she was, about the possible toll all of this was taking on her. When was the last time he’d simply asked whether she was tired, sad or happy?
Whether she was fed or rested the way Jario had done?
Anger stung her for the moment’s wish that he would’ve done something...anything to change her mind about him. Maybe then she wouldn’t know the acute wrench of realizing there was no hope for them?
‘Did he admit it?’
She jumped and pivoted towards the voice.
Jario stood in the doorway, hands thrust into his pockets, a thick lock of hair falling over his forehead as his eyes burned into hers. God, had he heard her conversation? Her hand gripped the phone as she stood up. ‘Jario. What are you...?’
‘Did he?’ he said through clenched teeth.
He knew she’d been speaking to her father. ‘He said it was complicated. But that he tried...’
Censure blazed in his eyes, right along with a stomach-hollowing disappointment and resignation. ‘And you gave him a free pass,sí?’
Her skin tightened with shame because she’d been doing that for years. The words to admit that stuck in her throat. ‘I...’
His hand snapped up. ‘No need to create excuses. Dinner is ready. Are you coming?’
She itched to ask whether he’d come down to deliberately catch her out. Examining his face didn’t bring enlightenment. He was even more shuttered now than he’d been before dinner.
‘We need to talk properly. Maybe after dinner?’