Page 6 of Modern Romance January 2025 5-8
Jario watched her examine the collection of axes, then the slab of wood, before glancing at him. ‘I’ve never done this before.’
He wondered if she always sounded this raspy, whether it was from sleep...or the lack of it. Feeling his body heat rising higher, he stifled a curse. Heshouldend this interaction now. Send her packing below deck where she belonged. Return to his suite now he was worn out and try for another forty-five minutes of sleep.
Instead, he stepped closer, extending his axe, satisfaction swelling when she took it. He didn’t release it immediately. ‘Careful. It’s heavy. Hold it away from you so if you drop it, it doesn’t injure you.’
Her eyes met his briefly and she nodded. ‘What do I do next?’
Jario stepped behind her, attempting to ignore how perfectly her frame complemented his. ‘Widen your stance so your feet are just beyond shoulder width. Now wrap both hands one inch from the bottom. Hold it firmly. Good girl,’ he murmured, then inhaled sharply as a little shiver went through her.
Gritting his jaw against sensations he shouldn’t feel, he stepped to the side. ‘First, you visualise where you want it to land and aim towards it. Then raise it above your head, swing hard and release when your arms are just above eye level. Understood?’
Her nod was confident, her eyes glinting with excitement.
Her arms rose above her head, displaying hard nipples pressing against her shirt and a delectable few inches of light golden skin above her sleep shorts that slashed his breathing.
Santo cielo, he was moments away from getting an erection in the presence of an intruder he should’ve sent away.
The absurdity of the situation wasn’t lost on him. And yet...
‘Take a breath and throw,’ he said, a hoarseness to his voice revealing everything he was feeling.
She threw.
The axe arced through the air, silent and deadly, and imbedded itself at the lower centre of the slab.
She gasped, eyes wide as she swivelled to face him. ‘Wow. That was exhilarating!’
‘Indeed. Again?’ He ignored the warning in his head.
A smile curved her luscious pink lips and Jario’s insides twisted with lust. ‘May I?’
In answer, he strolled to the board, yanked the axe free. Turning, he caught her gaze trailing his bare skin. The air, already charged with sensations, grew thicker. It would’ve been no difficult task to toss the tool aside, invite her to participate in a more...involvedactivity to quiet his demons. Thankfully, sense prevailed.
He held out the hilt. ‘One more, then you’ll have to leave.’
The flare in her eyes said his impending dismissal had surprised her. Good. Much better for her to know he wasn’t to be trifled with, even if she was the most stunning woman he’d seen in a long time.
Taking the axe from him, she positioned herself and raised her arms.
‘Higher. Right there.’
Her teeth sank into her bottom lip. His fists clenched, stemming the fevered need to touch her. To wrestle that bottom lip free with his own teeth, then bite it. ‘Throw.’
It flew out of her hand, landing with a satisfyingthunkjust a little off centre, next to the cluster of his own truer aims.
Slowly, she lowered her arms, her eyes shining with pleasure and accomplishment. Then burgeoning awareness, probably at the heavy reaction he couldn’t hide. Those maddening lips parted once more, her breaths shallow with muted pants as her gaze stayed glued to his face.
Right then, Jario could’ve sworn he’d never been more attracted to a woman. And it wasthatforceful reaction that made him turn his back on her, stride to the board to retrieve his axe, then remain there as he grappled with his self-control.
‘Leave. Now,’ he said without turning around.
Several seconds passed while she rebelled, inciting further excitement in his blood. It was almost a shame to hear her receding footsteps.
A full minute passed before his fingers wrapped around the axe and he returned to his task.
This time, however, the urgent need to hurl the sharp axe at the unyielding wood was more to drive away the fiery lust blazing through his needy body than the urge to silence his demons.
The moment he was showered and dressed the next morning, Jario activated the yacht’s surveillance system via his tablet. He sipped his espresso while commending himself for waiting until the less ungodly hour of 6 a.m. to give in to temptation that hadn’t abated one iota since she walked away from him last night.