Page 61 of Modern Romance January 2025 5-8
Another stare-off occurred, during which her driver navigated bustling streets heaving with colourful stalls and fruit sellers with exotic fruit that probably would’ve made her mouth water had she not been caught in the more powerful vortex of Jario’s stare.
‘Very well.’
The low rumbled response, only registering because she’d been staring at his mouth, sent another shock wave through her.
Her knee-jerk inclination was to dig into the thorny subject of what he saw in his nightmares, but she suspected it would receive a frosty reception. So she chose a different one.
‘Why the yacht? Why not a reclusive private island where no one will bother you if that’s what you want?’
‘Seventy percent of the planet’s surface is covered by water. Some would argue I’m getting the better end of the deal by making the oceans and seas my playground.’
She would’ve laughed off his flippancy if she didn’t believe there was deeper meaning behind him being out here, living on his floating palace and never going ashore. Something significant to his restlessness and his inability to sleep through the night.
She remained silent, watching a muscle ripple in his jaw.
‘Also... I needed something else. The moment I stepped onto this boat it felt like home. As for security, it wasn’t the problem. I’d made sure of that.’ The dark promise in his voice left little doubt he meant that. ‘And because I found solid ground beneath my feet...intolerable.’
Sorrow dredged through her belly. ‘But don’t you miss...’ She trailed off when nothing came to mind. At least nothing this man couldn’t attain for himself despite the unique way he’d chosen to live his life.
‘Yes?’ He eased back in his chair. ‘What could I possibly miss that I can’t have? You’d be surprised how eager people are to grant even the most outlandish requests when there’s money involved.’
‘So that’s it? You throw money at people, they bring you things on your yacht and that’s living for you?’
His amusement vanished, his features morphing into iron and ice. ‘I live by no one’s definition of what life should be. I’ve taken what was thrust on me and bent it to my power and will. That’s more than most people will achieve, including your father.’
She hesitated a beat before exhaling. ‘I don’t disagree. As for my father, his sins are his. The next step is up to him. And I’m all for living your life how you want...if it makes you happy.’
Disappointment clouded his vision and Willow was shocked that it was the emotion that most seared her. ‘This so-called happiness may be your gold standard. It’s not mine.’ He flatly dismissed her words. ‘And your father well knows it’s not just the mistakes you make that count but how you fix them.’
Since she didn’t disagree, she kept silent. His nostrils flared once, then he looked beyond her shoulder to the art museum she’d entered. For the next ten minutes, they pretended to explore colourful Balinese art while they both gathered themselves.
‘Why do you push so hard for this, Willow?’ he muttered at length.
That emotion that lingered at the edges of her relationship with her father pushed harder at her. Maybe it was a good thing they weren’t in the same room. It made her confession easier.
‘There’s another reason I came to find you.’
His gaze sharpened.‘Sí?’
She found a quiet corner of the museum and leaned against a cool wall. ‘I’ve accepted the violin position with Mondia. The symphony travels all over the world. I could’ve stayed with another orchestra in Los Angeles, but I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to cut ties.’
He inhaled sharply. ‘And now you know?’
Her heart screamed her answer. ‘It’s time to live my life on my terms.’
Piercing eyes narrowed. ‘I hear traces of guilt. You feel guilty for wanting to live your life, for achieving the goal you’ve dreamed of since you were a child, the dream you found solace in while contending with a self-serving father?’
‘Wow, don’t hold back, please.’ Her snark was demolished by her aching heart, despite her soul reassuring her she’d done the right thing. That perhaps even seeing Jario’s battle with goodness versus vengeance had shown her which path to finally choose.
‘Look at me, Willow.’
After a beat, she met his fiercely blazing gaze. It burned right through to her soul.
‘Your talent is entirely your own. No one else’s. This is who you were born to be. So ditch the guilt and own it completely.’
Her eyes searched his. Felt that aggressive bolstering she’d missed from her absentee mother and indifferent father. Support Jario had shown her in his own unique way since she’d stepped on board, even though it’d been mostly couched in gruffness or brusque impatience.
‘Why do you try so hard to convince everyone you don’t care?’