Page 91 of Modern Romance January 2025 5-8
She felt warm, and very uncomfortable. Like Irinka could see inside her head, inside to where all her secret fantasies were.
“Believe me, I’ve covered that. I know that you deal with a lot of men who try to push the boundaries of your agreement.”
“Not anymore. My reputation precedes me. They know better.”
“Good. I hope your reputation insulates me.” The first thing she did was add in a clause that said no more physical contact than absolutely necessary, and only in public.
“You should put no contact below the waist. Or... In the front, above your waist.”
“Are you telling me to putDon’t grope me in the Ts and Cs?”
In spite of herself, her breasts felt heavy. He was not going to grope her. She didn’t want him to anyway. It was actually laughable to think about Matias doing anything quite so prurient as that. Everything he did was sexual, yes, but there was nothing grasping or adolescent about it. She knew that all too well. She had watched the way his hand skimmed the curves of the women that he was with on the plane. Even while she had done her best to redirect her focus elsewhere. She had been aware.
It was impossible not to be.
She had done her best to try and block out the raw sexual nature that radiated from him, but of course that was extremely difficult.
She didn’t like admitting that she was vulnerable to that part of him. Because it was pointless. She didn’t want to be vulnerable to anything or anyone, frankly.
“You’re snarling,” Maude said.
“I amnot,” Auggie responded. She finished with the papers and sent them directly to his email. Then she slammed the laptop shut and stood up from the desk. “And do not tell me I look like a hedgehog, Maude. I’m good. Honestly, I just came to tell you all because it’s going to break and it’s going to break big. Tonight.”
“That sounds so ominous. Like a prophecy from a fantasy novel,” Maude said.
“It’s not,” she said. “Not even close. Thank you, though.”
Their intercom buzzed. “Ms. Fremont, a car has arrived for you.”
She frowned. Then she looked at her phone, and saw that she had a text from Matias.I need you to prepare yourself for tonight. Get in the car.
She scowled.
“Why are you scowling?” Maude asked.
“I’m scowling because he’s already being annoying. But that’s... That is the agreement I’ve made. To continue to deal with the Pitbull.”
“Guard your chastity,” Lynna said.
“Thanks, Lynna,” said Auggie. “Do you happen to have a belt on hand?”
“No,” she said, grinning benignly. “I’ve never needed one.”
“I’ll be safe,” she said, scurrying back out of the office, and into the elevator.
She looked down at her phone. And then she sent back a text.
I hope this isn’t going to be degrading.
When have I ever degraded anyone?
It was a good point.
I don’t know. I’m not in your bedroom the entire time we are going on long-haul flights.
Very funny.
I am very funny, Matias.