Page 14 of Witch's Promise
Gabe nodded, feeling some of the tension ease from his body. "Yeah, you're right.Though, it feels weird, stepping away."
"That's because you're a self-sacrificing idiot.” Lucas said fondly.
Gabe laughed, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. "Alright, alright. I get the point. I'll go home, eat some cake, pretend to be surprised when my dad acts shocked that I showed up."
"That's the spirit," Lucas grinned. "Now get out of here before Alex changes his mind. And Gabe?"
"Try to actually relax while you're gone, okay? The world will still be here when you get back. Promise."
Chapter 4
The wheels of Gabe's beat-up Corolla ate up the miles of asphalt stretching between New York and Salem, the monotonous hum of the engine a stark contrast to the chaotic thoughts swirling in his head. He'd thrown together a duffel bag in record time that morning, tossing in whatever clean clothes he could find in his apartment. Packing had never been his strong suit, but the last-minute nature of this trip made it even more haphazard than usual.
The summer heat pressed against the car windows like an oppressive blanket, the AC sputtering out lukewarm air that did little to combat the sweat beading on Gabe's forehead. He cranked the dial to max, silently praying to whatever deity might be listening that the ancient cooling system wouldn't give up the ghost before he reached Salem.
"Come on, you piece of shit," Gabe muttered, giving the dashboard an encouraging pat.
As the New York skyline faded in his rearview mirror, Gabe couldn't help but marvel at how light the traffic was. It was early, sure, but this was still New York fucking City. Where were all the cars? The honking horns? The colorful cursing from irate drivers?
"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, Reed," he chided himself. "Just enjoy the smooth sailing while it lasts."
The shrill ring of his phone cut through Gabe's brooding, making him jump. The car swerved slightly before he corrected, swearing under his breath. He jabbed at the button on his steering wheel, activating the Bluetooth.
"Yeah?" he barked, heart still racing from the sudden interruption.
"Whoa, easy there, tiger," Lucas's cheerful voice filled the car. "Did I interrupt your brooding session? You know that's not good for your complexion."
Despite himself, Gabe felt a smile tugging at his lips. "Fuck off, Lucas. I wasn't brooding. I was contemplating."
"Uh-huh. And I'm the Queen of England. How's the drive going, Your Broodiness?"
Gabe rolled his eyes, but the familiar banter with his best friend was already easing some of the tension from his shoulders. "It's fine. Traffic's weirdly light. My AC is on its last legs, but other than that, smooth sailing."
"Glad to hear it," Lucas said. "You know, if you'd let me soup up that rust bucket of yours like I offered-"
"For the last time, Lucas, I don't need my car to fly or shoot lasers or whatever the hell you had in mind."
Lucas's mock-offended gasp crackled through the speakers. "I am wounded, Gabe. Wounded! I'll have you know my modifications are both stylish and practical. But fine, sweat your ass off in your rolling sauna. See if I care."
Gabe chuckled, shaking his head. "Your concern is touching. How're things back at HQ? Grant settling in okay?"
There was a pause, and Gabe could practically see Lucas's expression softening. "Yeah, he's doing good. Lily took him shopping this morning, got him some clothes that aren't, youknow, singed. And Olivia's working with him now, starting some basic fire control exercises."
"Olivia?" Gabe's eyebrows shot up. "That's actually really smart. Who's idea was that?"
"Alex's," Lucas replied. "Figured since she's a fire mage, she'd be best equipped to help Grant get a handle on his new abilities. Plus, you know Olivia. Cool as a cucumber, even when things are literally on fire."
Gabe nodded, forgetting for a moment that Lucas couldn't see him. It was a good call. Olivia had a calming presence that would be invaluable for someone in Grant's position. "And how's Grant handling all of this? It's a lot to take in, even without the whole 'surprise, you're magical' thing."
Lucas hummed thoughtfully. "Better than you might expect. I think having a purpose, a direction, is helping. Oh, and get this - Alex brought him in yesterday, asked if he'd be interested in joining one of the new teams we're putting together once his training's complete."
"Seriously?" Gabe felt a mix of surprise and something else. Pride, maybe? "What did Grant say?"
"Said he'd be more than happy to," Lucas reported, a smile evident in his voice. "I think the kid- uh, the guy's found his calling. Who knew nearly burning down half of New York could lead to a promising career in supernatural law enforcement?"