Page 23 of Witch's Promise
Through it all, his siblings listened with rapt attention, only interrupting to ask the occasional question or to express their awe.
"So let me get this straight," Giana said as Gabe finished recounting a particularly harrowing encounter with a rogue necromancer. "You've been out there saving the world on a regular basis, and we've been giving you shit for missing family dinners?"
Gabe felt his face heat up. "It's not... I mean, I'm not saving the world. Not single-handedly, anyway. It's a team effort."
"Always the modest one," Gino said, shaking his head. "Dude, you're a fucking superhero. Own it!"
"I'm really not," Gabe protested, feeling the familiar weight of responsibility settle back onto his shoulders. "Most of the time, I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water. There's always another crisis, another threat. And if we screw up, if I'm not good enough or fast enough or smart enough..."
He trailed off, the words sticking in his throat. How could he explain the constant fear of failure, the nightmares of what might happen if he made a mistake?
Giana's hand found his across the table, her grip firm and reassuring. "Hey. Look at me, Gabe."
He raised his eyes to meet hers, seeing nothing but love and support there.
"You don't have to carry this alone anymore," she said softly. "We might not be able to fight magical bad guys, but we're here for you. Whatever you need."
"Yeah, man," Gino chimed in, his usual joking tone replaced by sincerity. "You've always had our backs. Let us have yours for a change."
Gabe felt something crack inside him, a wall he hadn't even realized he'd built. The emotions he'd been holding back for so long came flooding out, and to his horror, he felt tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
"I'm sorry," he managed, his voice thick. "I should have told you sooner. I just wanted to keep you safe. To keep you out of this mess."
"Oh, Gabe," Giana sighed, squeezing his hand. "Don't you know by now? We're Reeds. We're already in the mess. At least now we can face it together."
Gino raised his glass, a mischievous glint in his eye. "To the Three Gs, taking on the supernatural world one family dinner at a time!"
Despite himself, Gabe felt a laugh bubble up. He raised his own glass, clinking it against his siblings'. "To the Three Gs," he echoed.
The warmth of the moment lingered as they left the restaurant, spilling out onto Salem's cobblestone streets. The night air was crisp, carrying the faint scent of sea salt and something else, something distinctly magical that Gabe had almost forgotten in his time away. It felt like coming home, in a way that simultaneously comforted and unsettled him.
"So," Gino said, clapping his hands together, "we've eaten, we've had life-altering revelations. What's next on the agenda?"
Giana rolled her eyes, but there was fondness in the gesture. "You do remember why we're here, right? Dad's birthday?"
"Right, right," Gino nodded sagely. "The old man's big day. What are we thinking? Sky-writing spell? Enchanted fireworks? Ooh, how about we hire a troupe of dancing leprechauns?"
Gabe couldn't help but chuckle at his brother's enthusiasm. "I think we might be overthinking this. You know Dad. He's more of a 'quiet evening with family' kind of guy."
"There's that new shopping center on Essex Street," Giana suggested. "They should have everything we need."
"Perfect," Gabe said, fishing his car keys out of his pocket. "Let's head over there before they close."
The shopping centerwas a bustling hive of activity, even at this hour. As they walked through the automatic doors, the cool air-conditioning a stark contrast to the warm night outside, Gabe felt it. A prickle at the back of his neck, a sudden hyperawareness of his surroundings that he'd come to associate with impending danger. His magic surged, responding to a threat he couldn't yet see.
Without thinking, Gabe activated his shield spell, the energy invisible but palpable to him as it shimmered into existence. He expanded it, enveloping Gino and Giana in its protective glow, all while maintaining a casual conversation about whether or not trick candles were too juvenile for their father's cake.
His siblings, oblivious to the magical shield now surrounding them, continued their good-natured bickering as they navigated the aisles. Gabe forced himself to focus on the task at hand, picking out decorations and party favors, all while his senses remained on high alert.
"Hey, Earth to Gabe," Gino's voice cut through his hypervigilance. "You with us, bro?"
Gabe blinked, realizing he'd been staring blankly at a display of party hats for who knows how long. "Yeah, sorry. Just thinking about work stuff."
Giana's expression softened. "You know you can leave that behind for a bit, right? We've got this covered."
If only it were that simple, Gabe thought. But he managed a smile, grateful for their concern. "You're right. So, what do we think? Classic 'Over the Hill' theme, or something more dignified?"
As they debated the merits of various decorations, Gabe felt himself start to relax marginally. Maybe he had been overreacting. Maybe-