Page 45 of Witch's Promise
"Oh god, Damian," his mother sobbed, her hands fluttering uselessly over her husband's prone form. "What happened? How-"
"Later, Mom," Gabe cut her off, hating the harshness in his voice but knowing they didn't have time for explanations. "We need to get him on the bed. Now."
Giana, her face pale and drawn, stepped back to let them through. As they maneuvered his dad onto the king-sized bed, Gabe couldn't help but notice how small his father looked, how fragile. This was the man who'd taught him everything he knew about magic, who'd always seemed larger than life. Now he lay there, broken and bleeding, and it was all Gabe's fault.
Not long after he heard the door open again and Sean came in.
"Sean," Gabe said, turning to the other man. He looked as shell-shocked as Gabe felt, his eyes wide and haunted in a way that spoke of old traumas resurfacing. "Look, I know this is a lot to ask, but... could you stay? Help out? I mean, if you need to go, I get it, but-"
"I'm not going anywhere," Sean cut him off, his voice rough but determined. "Whatever you need, Gabe. I'm here."
The relief that flooded through Gabe at those words was almost embarrassing in its intensity. He nodded, not trusting himself to speak past the lump in his throat.
Turning to his mother and sister, Gabe forced himself to push down the panic and grief threatening to overwhelm him. They needed a leader now, someone to take charge and get shit done. And like it or not, that someone had to be him.
"Okay, listen up," he said, infusing his voice with a confidence he didn't feel. "We need to keep Dad stable untilhelp arrives. Mom, Giana, I need you to use every healing spell you know. Anything that might slow the spread of the poison or boost his vitals. Can you do that?"
Her mom nodded, wiping away tears with a shaking hand. "Of course. But Gabe, sweetie, what about you? Your magic-"
"I've got to make a call," Gabe cut her off, already pulling out his SHD. "There's someone who might be able to help. Just keep him alive, okay? Please."
The desperation in his voice must have been evident, because his mom’s expression softened, a hint of her usual strength shining through the fear. "We've got this, honey. Go make your call."
Gabe nodded, squeezing his mother's shoulder before turning to leave. As he reached the door, he caught Sean's eye. The other man stood there, looking lost and more than a little out of place among the magical chaos unfolding around him.
"Sean, I-" Gabe started, not even sure what he wanted to say. Thank you? I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess? I'm glad you're here even though I have no fucking clue how to feel about you being back in my life?
But Sean just nodded, a ghost of his old cocky smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Go. Do what you need to do. I'll hold down the fort here."
Gabe managed a tight nod before slipping out of the room. The hallway outside was eerily quiet, the sounds of the party and subsequent attack feeling like a distant memory. As Gabe made his way downstairs, he couldn't help but notice the signs of hasty departure - overturned furniture, abandoned drinks, a lone shoe lying in the middle of the floor.
Thank fuck most of the guests had managed to get out safely. The last thing they needed was civilian casualties on top of everything else.
With shaking hands, Gabe pulled up Finn's contact info on his SHD. This would be the second time in a week he'd had to call in a favor from their resident magical healer. At this rate, Gabe was going to owe Finn his firstborn child or something.
The call connected on the second ring, Finn's voice tight with concern. "Gabe? What's wrong? Don't tell me Jessy's condition has worsened-"
"It's not Jessy," Gabe cut him off, his voice sounding strained even to his own ears. "It's my dad. There was an attack at the party. He's been stabbed with some kind of dark magic dagger. Finn, I... I don't know what to do."
There was a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line, followed by a string of colorful curses that would have made Gabe smile under different circumstances. "Fuck, Gabe. Okay, I'm on my way. I'll get Marcus to give me a lift - we'll be there as fast as his speedy ass can manage."
Relief flooded through Gabe, making his knees weak. "Thank you. God, Finn, I don't know how to-"
"Save it," Finn cut him off, his tone gruff but not unkind. "You can grovel and promise me your eternal servitude later. For now, I need you to listen carefully. You've got to use your magic to slow the spread of the dark energy. Can you do that?"
Gabe's mind raced, panic threatening to overwhelm him. "I... I don't know how. Finn, I've never dealt with anything like this before."
"Yes, you have," Finn insisted. "Remember that case in Brooklyn last year? The cursed amulet? Same principle, different scale. You've got this, Gabe. I believe in you."
As Finn rattled off instructions, Gabe felt a curious mix of gratitude and resentment wash over him. Gratitude for Finn's unwavering support, for his ability to cut through Gabe's bullshit and get him focused on what needed to be done. But resentment,too, at the weight of expectation that seemed to press down on him from all sides.
Everyone always believed in him, always expected him to save the day. But what if he couldn't? What if, this time, his best wasn't good enough?
"Gabe? You still with me?" Finn's voice cut through his spiraling thoughts. "I know it's a lot, but your dad needs you. You've got to keep it together, at least until I get there. Okay?"
Gabe took a deep breath, forcing down the panic and self-doubt. "Yeah. Yeah, okay. I've got this. Just... hurry, alright?"
"Already on our way," Finn assured him.