Page 58 of Witch's Promise
The words hung in the air, hollow and unconvincing even to his own ears. But before Lucas could press further, the sound of a door opening drew their attention.
Finn emerged from Gino's room, supporting Gabe's brother with Giana's help. Gino looked pale and drawn, but there was a stubborn set to his jaw that Gabe recognized all too well. It was the same expression Gino had worn as a kid, insisting he was fine to play even with a broken arm.
Gabe was on his feet in an instant, moving to help ease Gino into one of the kitchen chairs. "What the hell, Gi? Shouldn't you still be in bed?"
Giana rolled her eyes, though the worry in them belied her exasperated tone. "Try telling him that. He's been insisting on getting up for the past hour. Wouldn't take no for an answer."
Gino managed a weak grin, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Can't let you have all the fun, big bro. Someone's got to keep you in line."
The attempted joke fell flat, the weight of everything that had happened pressing down on them all. Gabe saw the moment reality reasserted itself, watched as Gino's forced smile crumbled.
"Where's Jessy?" Gino asked, his voice small and scared in a way Gabe hadn't heard since they were kids. "Is she okay? Did we get her back?"
The hope in Gino's eyes was like a knife to Gabe's heart. He swallowed hard, hating himself for what he had to say next. "Gino, I... Jessy's gone. Whoever attacked us, they took her."
The words hung in the air like a physical presence, sucking all the oxygen from the room. Gabe watched as the information sank in, as Gino's face crumpled with a mixture of grief and self-loathing.
"No," Gino whispered, shaking his head as if he could deny the truth through sheer force of will. "No, that can't... I was supposed to protect her. I promised. I-"
"Hey, hey," Gabe cut him off, kneeling beside the chair to look his brother in the eye. "This isn't your fault, Gino. You hear me? You did everything you could."
But Gino wasn't listening. His eyes had taken on a glazed, far-away look that Gabe recognized all too well. It was the same expression he saw in the mirror on his worst days, when the weight of responsibility and the fear of failure threatened to drown him completely.
"I failed her," Gino muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I failed the coven. I should have been stronger, faster, better-"
"Stop it," Giana snapped, her voice sharp enough to cut through Gino's spiral of self-recrimination. "You didn't fail anyone, Gino. We were attacked by forces way beyond what any of us were prepared for. You can't blame yourself for that."
Gabe nodded, grateful for his sister's blunt practicality. "Giana's right. What happened wasn't your fault. It wasn't any of our faults. But we're going to make it right. We're going to find Jessy and bring her home safe."
"You promise?" Gino asked, a flicker of hope returning to his eyes.
Gabe nodded, squeezing his brother's shoulder. "I promise. We're not giving up, Gi. Not now, not ever."
The sudden knock at the door cut through the tense atmosphere like a thunderclap. Gabe's head snapped up, every nerve on high alert. Who the hell could that be at this hour?
"I'll get it," he said, already moving towards the entrance. His mind raced with possibilities, each more dire than the last. Another attack? Someone with news about Jessy? Or just some poor, unsuspecting neighbor about to get dragged into this supernatural shitstorm?
As Gabe approached the door, he noticed something odd. The wards weren't reacting. No alarm bells, no prickle of magical warning. Whatever was on the other side, the wards didn't perceive it as a threat.
Curiosity warred with caution as Gabe reached for the handle. He took a deep breath, centering himself, ready for anything. Or so he thought.
Nothing could have prepared him for the sight that greeted him when he swung the door open.
Sean stood there, looking like he'd gone ten rounds with a meat grinder and lost. His clothes were singed and torn, face streaked with soot and blood. But it was the figure cradled in his arms that made Gabe's heart stop.
Jessy. Battered, unconscious, but undeniably alive.
"Holy shit," Gabe breathed, his mind struggling to process what he was seeing. "Sean, what the fuck happened? How did you-"
But Sean's knees chose that moment to buckle, nearly sending both him and Jessy tumbling to the ground. Gabe lunged forward, supporting Sean's weight as best he could.
"Lucas! Marcus!” Gabe shouted over his shoulder. "I need help out here, now!"
His teammates appeared in an instant, their eyes widening as they took in the scene. Without a word, they sprang into action. Marcus gently lifted Jessy from Sean's arms, while Lucas helped Gabe support Sean's weight.
"Get Jessy to the couch," Gabe instructed, his leader instincts kicking in despite the shock. "Finn! We need you in the living room, stat!"
As they maneuvered Sean and Jessy into the house, Gabe's mind whirled with questions. How had Sean found her? What the hell had happened to leave them both in such a state?