Page 43 of Eternal Thorns
“They're talking about the key,” he told Kai. “And something about old alliances? The meaning isn't quite clear, but they're definitely excited about it.”
The first sprite performed a complex series of movements around Silas's wrist. The bracelet flared in response, and suddenly he could understand more of their light-speech.
Trust-marker!The sprite's communication came through as a mixture of image and emotion.Old-pact-symbol! Been so long, so long since human wore properly!
The other sprites swirled in patterns of agreement, their excitement creating tiny eddies in the forest's magical currents. Some darted back into the trees, presumably to spread news of their discovery.
“I really hope this is a good sign,” Kai said, watching the magical light show with a mixture of awe and concern. “Because otherwise we just announced our presence to the entire forest.”
Others coming,the first sprite confirmed, radiating both warning and encouragement.Deep-grove guardians want to see. Shadow-walker wants to see. All want to see human who wears old trust properly.
“Shadow-walker?” Silas asked, but he already knew. Thorne. The forest spirits had their own name for him, one that captured his ability to move through shadows as easily as light.
The map's paths shifted again, responding to this new understanding. Routes that had been hidden now revealed themselves. The forest wasn't just showing them ways forward, it was offering choices about how to proceed, each path representing a different approach to crossing the divide between worlds.
“We're being tested,” Silas realized, watching the sprites react to their every movement. “Not just by Thorne, but by the forest itself. Every choice we make, every way we interact with our surroundings, sends a message about our intentions.”
The friendly sprites led them deeper into the grove, their light-speech creating trails for Silas to follow. The magical current they traced felt promising, harmonizing with both key and bracelet. But something about the deepening shadows ahead made Silas's skin prickle with warning.
The first intrusion came so naturally he almost didn't recognize it as foreign - a memory of walking these same paths, but with different purpose. Young and eager to learn forest magic, trailing behind a silver-haired guardian who moved like shadow given form.
“Wait,” Silas stumbled, pressing a hand to his temple. “That's not my memory.”
The foreign images intensified. Marcus's first lesson in forest magic, but viewed through a lens of suspicion. Every gesture of trust now seemed calculated, every shared secret a potential weapon. The remembered Thorne's patient teaching took on sinister undertones, as if each lesson concealed hidden dangers.
“Silas?” Kai's voice seemed to come from very far away. “The forest just got really dark. Like, unnaturally dark.”
Shadows gathered around them, deeper than natural light could explain. The sprites scattered with chirps of terror, their light-speech broadcasting clear warning before they vanished.
Danger-shadow! Truth-twister! Run!
Agnes's herbs burned in Silas's pocket, cutting through the emotional fog of borrowed memories. The grounding ritual helped him recognize the manipulation, but couldn't completely block the shadow entity's assault.
More memories crashed through his defenses. Marcus discovering his talent for forest magic, but now the joy of learning carried bitter undertones. Every achievement seemed tainted by growing ambition. Every moment of connection became a potential point of betrayal.
Through the haze, Silas caught movement at the edge of his vision. Thorne stood among the trees, but not the bitter spirit who'd confronted him at Thornhaven. This was the guardian from his dream-memory, watching the shadow's display with an expression that perfectly mirrored Silas's internal struggle - recognition warring with suspicion, hope battling fear.
“Not real,” Silas gritted out, fighting to maintain his sense of self. “You're showing me what you want me to see.”
The shadows twisted closer, their whispers sliding between thought and memory.
Are we? Or are we simply showing truth from all angles? See how trust becomes betrayal, how hope breeds disappointment.
The key flared suddenly against Silas's chest, its protective magic pushing back the unnatural darkness. The bracelet pulsed in harmony, creating a sphere of silver light around them. In that illumination, Silas saw clearly for the first time where the shadow entity had led them.
An ancient oak rose before them, its massive trunk bearing marks that exactly matched those on his bracelet. Power radiated from it in waves that made both key and bracelet resonate like struck bells.
“Holy shit,” Kai breathed, clutching a protective charm. “Please tell me we meant to find this.”
The shadows retreated grudgingly, but their whispers lingered.
Choose carefully, young Ashworth. Some truths break more than trust.
Through his enhanced awareness, Silas felt certainty bloom - the second journal waited within that oak. But claiming it would mean more than just retrieving an object. It would mean facing whatever truths the shadow entity feared him discovering.
The key pulsed warmly against his chest, while the bracelet hummed with recognition around his wrist. Together, they offered protection against darker influences. But they also promised something else - the power to understand those ancient truths on their own terms, uncorrupted by fear or suspicion.
Now he just had to decide if he was ready to face them.