Page 68 of Eternal Thorns
“He's not like that,” Silas defended automatically, then caught Kai's knowing smirk. “Stop it.”
“Stop what? I'm not the one getting starry-eyed over magical calligraphy.”
“I am not—” Silas broke off as the key flared warmer, betraying his emotions. “This is serious, Kai.”
“Oh, I know.” His friend's teasing tone softened. “I can see it in your face. You've already made your choice, haven't you?”
“I made it a long time ago,” he admitted quietly. “I just didn't know it until now.”
It wasmid-afternoon when they found themselves at the forest's edge, waiting for their usual lesson.
“I don't see why you're so nervous,” Kai said, lounging against a tree. “It's just another lesson with your terrifying magical boyfriend?—”
Thorne materialized directly behind them, making Kai yelp and nearly fall over.
“Sweet merciful—” Kai clutched his chest. “Could you maybe wear a bell or something? Make some leaves rustle? Anything?”
The corner of Thorne's mouth twitched. “My apologies. I didn't mean to startle you.”
“Yes, you did,” Silas said, fighting a smile.
“Perhaps a little,” Thorne admitted, his eyes dancing with barely suppressed amusement.
They both attempted professional distance then, but the moment their magic mingled, that careful facade crumbled.
“The defensive charm requires precise control,” Thorne explained, moving behind Silas to adjust his stance. His hands settled on Silas's waist, supposedly demonstrating proper form. The simple touch sent sparks of silver light dancing between them.
“Like this?” Silas asked, trying to focus on the spell rather than how perfectly they fit together. The key pulsed warm against his chest, bracelet humming in harmony.
“Almost.” Thorne's voice came rougher than usual. “Direct the power through?—”
Their magic surged unexpectedly, cutting off his instruction. Trees burst into impossible bloom, branches laden with luminous flowers. Silver and gold light painted the air around them.
“Oh,” Silas breathed.
“That's... not what I meant to demonstrate.”
“I don't know, seems like a pretty effective lesson to me,” Kai called from his safe distance. “Very romantic with the magical flowers and?—”
Dark tendrils lashed out from the forest depths, corrupting their creation. Flowers blackened and died as shadow spread through their connection. They contained it quickly, but the damage was done.
“Okay, less romantic now,” Kai amended, backing up further.
Silas felt Thorne's spike of guilt and protective fear. The forest guardian's hands tightened slightly on his waist.
“We should stop,” Thorne said quietly, though he made no move to step away. “This isn't safe.”
“Since when has that ever stopped us?” Silas challenged, covering Thorne's hands with his own.
“You're both impossible,” Kai muttered. “Just try not to accidentally destroy the forest with your magical flirting?”
“I just want you to be safe.” Thorne said.
Something in Silas finally snapped. Weeks of careful distance crashed through his last defenses. He spun in Thorne's loose hold, grabbed the front of his shadow-woven tunic, and yanked him closer.
“Fuck safe,” Silas growled. “I'm tired of letting fear dictate everything.”
“Right then,” Kai called, already backing away. “I'll just... go patrol the perimeter. Try not to accidentally destroy the forest while I'm gone.”