Page 129 of Delicious Surrender
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
His eyes narrowed and his lip curled. “If you don’t cooperate, I’ll have no choice but to have my people burn down Club Dominus, with your boyfriend Gage inside. Or should I call him Magnus?”
Brynne bit her tongue so she wouldn’t cry out as Dimitri dragged her along and kicked open the door of the master bedroom. “Pack your things.”
“My things are in the other room.”
His head tilted in confusion. “Don’t you sleep in this room with him?”
“Yes, but I have my own room, too.” As soon as the words popped out, she regretted them. It might have been better to deny sleeping with Gage.
His grip tightened. “Lead the way, Kiska.”
With the other man hovering in the living room, she had no way to outmaneuver him. Dimitri interrupted her frantic thoughts. “I expect him to repay me for all the trouble he has caused. And you will too, my pet.”
She tried to pull away. “I am not your pet.”
“Pets don’t talk back; you’ll learn soon enough. You will write him a goodbye note, so he thinks you left him. That way, he won’t come looking for you.”
“You’re crazy!”
He slapped her hard across the face. If he didn’t have an iron grip on her arm, she would have fallen. She tasted blood where her teeth must have cut her cheek. Blood had spattered on the wall, but he hadn’t noticed.
“Don’t make me angry, Kiska. I am not gentle at the best of times, but if you continue to provoke me, you’ll be sorry.”
He opened the closet and scoffed. “This is the extent of your wardrobe?”
Any response could set him off, so she nodded.
He pulled her small suitcase out and tossed it on the bed. “Fill it up.” He finally let go of her arm and she rubbed the tender area, bruised from his grip.
She scooped up her clothes and shoes and dumped them into the case. Next, she collected her toiletries from the bathroom, concealing a lipstick in her hand as she packed her makeup. After putting it into the case, she said, “I need to use the toilet.”
“Fine. Leave the door open.”
“Please. I can’t go with you watching.”
“Kiska, you will do everything in front of me. Get used to it.”
She pleaded, “Please. I have my period—don’t make me do that.”
He stared hard at her, then nodded, his face taking on a lethal scowl. “Da. You may have a few minutes, but I will break this door down if you try to lock me out.”
She sat on the toilet and forced herself to pee. Using a few sheets of toilet paper, she wrote with the lipstick,Dimitri took me! Help! B.On the side of the vanity, she drew a small arrow so the cleaning lady would see it and hopefully find the paper behind the trash can. She flushed the toilet and washed her hands.
He was looking at the black halter dress she left in the closet. “You forgot this.”
“Gage gave that to me. I should leave it.”
“No. I will see you in it. Pack it.”
She put the dress in the suitcase and zipped it up.
He took the case, grabbed her wrist, and hauled her back to the living room. The big, ugly Russian was there waiting. His cheek had a wicked scar from his ear to his mouth that she would never forget. If she lived through this, she could identify him in a lineup.