Page 132 of Delicious Surrender
Gage’s jaw tightened. “You made threats to me and my club, Dimitri—so it was imperative that we have the chance to sit down and discuss this, like adults.”
Dimitri forced a laugh. “You are correct. I want to make it clear; I believe you were hasty in kicking me out of the club. And if you are not willing to welcome me back, I am due all my money.”
“I have your funds. I believe it’s best for all concerned that we part amicably and permanently.”
“The way you British behave so politely is baffling to me. In Russia, if you threw a person of my status out, we would burn your club to the ground. And here, we meet and discuss it like gentlemen.”
Gage gritted his teeth. “Indeed.” He put the paperwork his lawyers drew up on the table in front of Dimitri.
“Is Tinkerbell still working here?”
Gage stilled, giving nothing away. “No. She left some time ago.”
“Ah, that is too bad. I would like to apologize for frightening her that night. And since we are coming to a resolution, I won’t have to sue her for assault.”
He wanted to wipe that smug smile off the Russian’s face,but forced himself to ignore the obvious taunt.
“This document confirms we are refunding your membership dues in the amount of five hundred thousand pounds in cash, and you agree to release the club and all its employees from any damages, now or in the future.”
“You mean you will not accept my word?”
“I am sure your word is your bond, Dimitri, but my lawyers insist upon this paperwork to protect the business from any future liability.”
“Da. I will sign. Even though I should ask my lawyers to examine it.”
“Please look it over. I’ll get your cash.” Gage rose and left the room. He nodded to Garrick, who went to retrieve the large black case.
He returned as Dimitri was signing the documents. Gage signed and gave him a set, concluding their business.
As he prepared to leave, Dimitri asked, “Are you staying in London?”
The question surprised Gage, but he answered casually, “I live here. It’s one of my favorite cities in the world. What about you, Ivanov? Are you staying long?”
The Russian’s mouth twisted into a fake smile. “I am here for a few days, before a brief holiday in Monaco.”
Gage walked him to the front door, and two burly bodyguards flanked Dimitri and escorted him to the waiting Maybach limousine. One got in the front and the other jumped into a Range Rover idling behind it.
The hand-tailored suit couldn’t camouflage the criminal he was. He was pure scum. Gage felt like he needed a shower. Garrick put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m glad that’s over. And I hope to god they pin something on him soon.”
Gage stared out the front windows. He hoped so, too. He would feel better when Dimitri was locked up or permanently deported. Turning to Garrick, he said, “Let John know he has left with the money and hopefully he leaves a trail of breadcrumbs. I’m heading back to Skye. Brynne has not returned my calls.”
“Okay mate. I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything.”
He called Fiona from the car to let her know he was on his way to Northolt airport. She would alert the pilots about his ETA. Then he called Logan and left him a message to check on Brynne. Twenty minutes later, he rang him back.
“Magnus, I went up to the house and knocked. There was no answer, and her car was not in the garage.”
Gage’s stomach dropped. “Did you see her at all today?”
“No man, I thought you were home though—I heard a helicopter land on your pad this morning, so I figured you were back.”
“It wasn’t me.”Who the fuck would dare?“Do you remember what time that was?”
“Must have been around ten a.m. I got to the cottage around nine thirty this morning.”
“You still have a key, don’t you?” Gage wiped a damp palm on his pants.
“Yeah, do you want me to go in and look around?”