Page 142 of Delicious Surrender
“They’re for your own good. I don’t want it to hurt too much when I fuck your sweet ass. You should thank me for being so thoughtful.”
“This one is too big. It hurts,” she whined plaintively, hoping for sympathy.
“If it was so terrible, you wouldn’t be dripping all over my ottoman.”
“I hate you.” She laid her head back down to hide her secret smile. All attempts to sway him today had failed. He was ruthless. When he made her lie face down on the large leather hassock in his office, she expected to receive a spanking for being a brat. Because she deserved it. And she wanted it. Instead of keeping to her writing schedule yesterday, she surfed porn and read a dark novel, tapping the keyboard randomly so he would think she was writing. Somehow, he figured it out. So, she woke today to Mr. Hyde, who demanded she bathe, douche, and present herself for adornment in a leather collar, matching cuffs, and a huge stainless-steel plug. Whenever he got that forbidding look in his eye, her heart raced with anxiety. Or was it anticipation? In the last six months, he had discovered and exploited all her arousal triggers, one by one.
Today, he unearthed another. First, he clipped her wrists together behind her back. That started her motor running. Then he attached her ankle cuffs together. Her engine purred in anticipation of his open hand landing on her backside. But when he drew her cuffed ankles up and chained them to her wrists, she redlined.
Gage interrupted her musings. “I have another surprise for you.”
She looked at him warily. “I don’t think I can take any more of those.”
“Do you want to use your safe word and stop everything?”
“What? No!”
He smiled like she’d just handed him the keys to the kingdom, and she swallowed a groan.
“Please, can I have your cock now? I need it or I’m going to perish.”
“I have something almost as good.”
She looked up and saw something in his hand that resembled a gag, only it was different. Her brow creased as he kneeled in front of her.
“I know you’ve fantasized about having two men at once, and I’ve devised a way to grant you that wish.”
“What is that?” Her eyes studied the familiar size and shape, and her body readied for a total meltdown.
“It’s a gag made to mimic my cock.”
“Wait, how? You had a cast made of your dick?” Her breathing ratcheted up.
“In a manner of speaking. Now you can have me in your mouth and in your ass at the same time. Wasn’t that thoughtful of me?”
She gulped in shock. But her insides went liquid molten. “That’s crazy. You’re crazy.”
“Don’t worry, it won’t go too deep, it’s only three inches long. Think of it as your own personal pacifier. For when you can’t have the real thing.”
“Holy mother of…” She shook her head, at a loss for words.It was diabolical and deviant, and she hated its effect on her.
“You can try it while I have my massage this afternoon.”
Brynne inhaled sharply, and he noticed.
“What’s that look for?”
“Um, I canceled Gemma, because I wanted to give you a massage myself. As a special surprise.”
Her body started fidgeting and pulling against the cuffs. She saw the granite edge of his jaw and licked her lips nervously.
“Is that so? Are you sure it isn’t a way to get back at me for what I’ve put you through?”
She could feel her face heating. The “No” died on her lips. There was no place to hide from those all-knowing eyes. He was a hungry jungle cat preparing to devour his prey, but he was going to play with his food first. What was she thinking, sharing her darkest fantasies with him? Now he could use them against her.
Her pupils had dilated, and her irises were the color of molasses. She was caught in a trap of her own making, and he’d never found her more irresistible. It took almost losing her to make him realize his life would be devoid of light and color without her in it. His fears and suspicions almost won.
There was a more pressing matter right now. His cock was subverting all rational thought and demanding he take immediate action.