Page 25 of Delicious Surrender
He pointed to the ice bucket on the credenza.
“Oh, how silly of me!” she trilled, putting her hand to her open mouth. With an exaggerated sway in her hips, she swept up the container and sauntered out.
As soon as the door was shut, expletives spewed out of her mouth. “Pompous son of a bitch!” She stomped up the stairs to the bar kitchen and threw the watery ice in the sink. As she refilled the bucket, she eyed the box of salt on a shelf nearby. The prick deserved it—but it could get her fired, or worse.
Brynne was leaving when Mel flew through the door into the kitchen. “Where have you been, Tink? We could use your help.”
“Sorry Mel, I had to get his royalhighnessdinner from upstairs. I’ll be right back after I take his water and fresh ice down.”
“Seriously? It’s for Gage?”
“Yes, why?
“Because he usually eats in the dining room when he’s here. And he has a fridge in his office stocked with water.”
Brynne looked at Mel, and her hands balled into fists. “I knew he was yanking my chain. That bastard. He has his own fridge?”
“Uh-huh, in the cupboard behind his desk.” Looking worried, she added, “Wait, what are you going to do?”
Brynne’s eyes narrowed. “Nothing he doesn’t deserve.”
The office door was closed, so she had to put the bottles down to knock and open the door. As she bent to pick up the Perrier, ice spilled out and flew across the hardwood.
“Oh shite!” She scurried to the sideboard to put everything down. “Do you have a garbage bin?”
Gage rolled his chair back and handed her the small wastebasket. He watched her with a smirk on his too-handsome face.
Brynne bent down to pick up the melting cubes. She heard him inhale and realized she was giving him an eyeful. Pleased to get a reaction, she deliberately bent at the waist to collect the rest.
“You missed some under the coffee table.” His voice sounded strangled.
“Oh! Thank you, sir,” she said sweetly, and got on her hands and knees to find the rest. She heard his chair creak. “Do you have a spare napkin so I can wipe up the water? I wouldn’t want anyone to slip.”
“It’s fine,” he ground out. “Take the tray and get back to work.”
“Of course, let me get that.” She went to the side of his desk, and he handed her the tray. She glimpsed another naked woman on his screen. That one was tied spread-eagled on a four-poster bed, blindfolded. The dishes almost tipped off the tray, but she righted them just in time.
“See something you like, Red?”
Brynne stared at the picture and kept up the game. “Mmm, looks interesting. Are you looking to improve your technique?”
He cleared his throat. “I have had no complaints about my technique.”
She looked at him, feigning innocence. “Oh, you let your submissive speak?”
His brows rose, and he smiled wickedly. “Of course. Eventually, I remove her gag so she can thank meproperly.”
Brynne blushed deeply and backed away. “Ha, ha, funny. Well, I’d better go, and let you get back to your important porn.”
She hurried back to the lounge, which was packed. Sparring with him was exhilarating…and dangerous. If she had any second thoughts about the salt, it was too late now!
By eleven o’clock Brynne was counting the minutes until her shift was over. Thank god Dimitri the Terrible did not make an appearance. She and Bettie were clearing empty tables when Gage walked into the lounge. He stopped to chat with a few of the remaining guests. She grabbed a tray and headed to the kitchen before he got to the bar. Regretting her rash actions, she prayed he didn’t use any of the tainted ice.
Luck was on her side. Gage was gone when she returned to say goodnight to Bettie and Bill.
He gave her a taxi chit and said, “Tink, stop by Master Gage’s office before you leave.”
Uh oh. “Okay, sure. Did he say what he wanted?”