Page 40 of Delicious Surrender
She gasped in shock when his hands touched her. “Christ, it’s freezing.”
“Aye, your skin is still very hot,” he said, as he rubbed the cream into her skin. With herculean effort, he tried to remain unmoved by the sight, but it was futile. He couldn’t deny the truth anymore. He wanted to fuck this little hellcat. So, the sooner she was gone from his club, the better.
He finished coating her cheeks and upper legs and then laid the cold compress across her backside. She pulled forward and groaned, “This is worse than the cane, for god’s sake!”
He chuckled and she looked back at him, her eyes narrowed.
He brought over a cold bottle of Gatorade and a couple of ibuprofen. “Here.” He handed her two pills, showing her the bottle. “Take two now and another two before bed.”
“I’d rather have a gin and tonic.”
He returned to sit at his desk, where he didn’t have to see her tempting ass. “No. Alcohol is not a good idea. Your body needs time to recover.”
She stuck her tongue out at him but swallowed the pills andgulped half the bottle of the sports drink.
Gage shook his head, picked up the phone, and called the kitchen. “George, could you whip me up a pepperoni pizza? Medium. Yes, please. My office. Thanks.”
When Gage looked up, he found she’d laid her cheek on her hands and was snoring lightly. Up to this point, he had tried to ignore what was happening. The combination of her fire and vulnerability appealed to the Dom in him. Her soft voluptuous body and its tantalizing scents were constantly whispering to his cock and tripping all his circuits.
He carefully removed the compress and lifted her to the couch. She mumbled, but barely stirred when he laid her out on her stomach. He put the compress back on and covered her with the blanket.
He still didn’t know if she was truly submissive or just willful and stubborn. There was no doubt it aroused her when he tied her down to the bench. Her body was humming in anticipation before the first strike. He wanted to ask Garrick or John what happened at the party and guessed it was an evening of firsts.
To distract himself, he checked his email and replied to a note from Cole, who was flying in for the fetish party. He had business in Ireland and would stop in London afterward. They hadn’t seen each other since the Houston club opening ten months ago. His friend wanted to hear all about the mess with Sierra.
A knock at his door interrupted his thoughts. “Yes?”
“It’s Garrick. Safe to come in?”
Gage opened the door, his face stern. “Of course, man. You know better than that.”
Garrick grinned. “I wondered if she was showing you her appreciation for taking such good care of—”
Brynne let out a loud snore followed by a moan. Garrick chuckled and looked at Gage.
“She’s a special little lady. Will you be seeing her home?”
“No,” he said, a bit too abruptly. “I’ve ordered some food. I’ll put her in a taxi once she’s rested and eaten. Aren’t you the one who said she’s a tough cookie?”
Garrick snorted. “I did, but she’s just had her first public scene and it was a doozy.”
Gage scowled at him, annoyed that his judgment was being questioned. “I’ve got this, G. Shouldn’t you be back up on the floor? The club is busy—and I’m sure our guests need your attention.”
He nodded. “Sure, boss. I’ll catch you later.”
Gage sat back down at his desk when another knock sounded. “What?” he barked.
“It’s Ronnie, sir. I have your pizza.”
“Come in, Ronnie.”
The waiter came in and couldn’t help but notice the lady snoozing on his couch. He paused a moment too long.
“I’m over here.” Gage’s tone was imperious, and Ronnie hurried over and handed him the tray. “That will be all.”
“Yes, sir.” He scooted out the door.
The food smelled divine, and his stomach reminded him of how famished he was. After devouring two pieces, Gage took a plate over to the coffee table and tried to rouse sleeping beauty.