Page 59 of Delicious Surrender
She shook her head. “Your party is still going. I can take a taxi.”
“No arguments. I’ll carry you out if I have to.”
“Good grief,” she huffed. When she got to the door of his office, she paused. “I would rather not go to the locker room alone.”
He was beside her in an instant, his protective hand on her back the whole way. She didn’t change, wanting to get out of that room as quickly as possible.
They exited the club from the lower level into an underground car park she had never seen before. A big man, dressed from head to toe in black, waited beside a gleaming silver Bentley sedan. The guy reminded her of a Hollywood mafia enforcer with his thick goatee and bulging arms. He tipped his peaked cap to Gage and moved with lightning speed to open the rear door. For a guy built like a tank, he was fast on his feet.
The warm leather seat enveloped Brynne, and she let herhead fall back. The car smelled like new leather, and Gage—an intoxicating combination for her already addled brain. She watched him exchange words with his driver. Moments later, they were both seated in the car, gliding toward the exit ramp. Sharing the enclosed space with him made her stomach flutter, and she absently played with the silky material of her pantaloons.
Gage was staring out the window, brooding. She had to break the uncomfortable silence. “I wish we brought the scotch with us.”
“The doc said no more alcohol.”
“Just because you’re taking me home doesn’t give you the right to boss me around.”
“I beg to differ.” His jaw tightened.
“Well, I appreciate the ride home, but I’m really fine and could have taken a taxi.”
He turned to her, his eyes narrowed. “You don’t get it. Dimitri is one of the wealthiest men in Russia and he has an unhealthy obsession with you.” Gage ran a hand roughly through his hair. “He’s ruthless in business andacquireswomen like other people do cars.”
She sat forward. “What does that mean? Am I in danger?”
“This is London, not Moscow, so his powers here are not above the law. But I want you to be extremely careful over the next few weeks.”
Brynne tried to make light of it. “He doesn’t know my real name. There is noTinkerbellin the phone listings and my nextshift isn’t until Wednesday.”
“Regardless, take a taxi to work, not the train. The club will reimburse you.”
Brynne took in his hard expression and wondered aloud, “I never gave him the impression I was interested.” She was getting herself worked up. “I only smiled at him because it’s in the job description!”
He took her hand in his and hissed, “Jesus, you’re freezing. Give me your other hand.” His hands were hot, as usual, and she let him warm her icy digits, enjoying his rare display of affection.
“Russian men have a reputation for taking the tiniest display of interest and blowing it out of proportion.” Gage turned her chin so she was facing him. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
His eyes dropped to her mouth and lingered. Brynne licked her lips and waited. But instead of doing what she knew they both wanted, he dropped her hands and sat back in his seat.Psych!His iron control won out again.
She looked out the window and didn’t recognize the area. “Where are we? Don’t you need my address?”
“I have it from your file. We are taking a detour, in an abundance of caution.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and fumed. “Christ, if you’re trying to scare me, you’re doing a fine job of it!”
Ten minutes of awkward silence passed and finally they turned into her street. She didn’t want the night to end like this. He was closed off again.
The car glided to a stop in front of the old fourplex and she unclipped her seat belt. He followed suit. Brynne tried the door, but it wouldn’t open. He and the driver got out, looked around, and then he came around to help her out.
Gage said something to the Tank, to which he grunted in response and got back in the car. Brynne asked, “Was that Gaelic?”
He nodded and took her by the arm. She fished out her keys and decided she had nothing to lose except a little of her pride. “Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?”
He loomed over her while she fumbled with the two locks. She assumed he would deposit her and leave, so it was a surprise when he stepped in ahead of her and felt the wall for a switch. “Sure, why don’t you do that while I look around?”
“Wait, a second!” She ran after him, realizing too late that her place looked like a bomb hit it. Gage stood there looking totally out of place in her tiny sitting room. Springing into action, she closed her laptop and gathered all the stray papers into a pile. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him walk toward her bookshelves, sending her heart banging against her ribs. Just what she needed—him prowling around her dirty book library and making judgments.
She cleared a space on the sofa and squeaked, “Why don’t you sit down and relax while I put the kettle on?”