Page 72 of Delicious Surrender
Brynne:All is okay. Already met the lawyer. I’ve got a hotel for tonight and will go to my aunt’s house tomorrow. She made most of the arrangements in advance. I have to wait for her body to be released. I appreciate your offer. I’m doing okay. Brynne.
A few minutes later, he responded.
Gage:Good to hear.
Brynne:I forgot to give you my email address. [email protected].
Gage:Thank you. I’ll send the docs. No rush.
Brynne was finishing her fish and chips when Declan walked in. His light blue eyes met hers and she saw pain reflected there. She stood when he reached the table, and they hugged for a long time. The lump in her throat threatened to choke her.
He took the bench opposite and covertly wiped a tear from his eye.
“It’s good to see you, Brynnie.”
His thick accent made her smile. He was a salt-of-the-earth Scotsman. His hair and beard had gone grayer since she last saw him, and he looked weary.
“You too, Declan. I really can’t believe she’s gone. I never got to say goodbye.”
“I know, but she wanted it this way. She left a couple of letters at the house for you, which should help explain.” His weathered hand reached for hers and squeezed.
“I don’t think I can go there alone. I booked a room here tonight. Do you think you could come with me tomorrow?”
“Of course. I can take you after breakfast.”
She put her other hand on top of his and smiled. Then she spied the redness on his forearm. “Is that a new tattoo?” Brynne lifted the cuff of his shirt to reveal the top of it. Below a beautiful drawing of angel’s wings were the wordsJosie, my Angelin an old English script.
“It’s beautiful! I love it.” She spoke low, not wanting any attention. Declan had tattoos on his arms and chest, plus a few on his calves, which were visible when he wore his kilt. He looked pleased that she liked it.
“She put up a fight when I told her about it. But in the end, I convinced her.” He winked suggestively when he said it, and Brynne blushed. “Okay lass, I must go. You call me if you need anything tonight.” He kissed the top of her hand and stood. “I’ll fetch you from the lobby at eleven tomorrow.”
“Okay. See you then. And Declan, thank you for everything.”
The waitress came over and talked her into trying the homemade Cranachan and a wee dram of whisky, compliments of Declan. Brynne was easy to convince, and she devoured the creamy confection of raspberries, whipped cream, and toasted oats, drizzled with malt whisky. She was pleasantly buzzed by the time she got to her room.
She avoided opening the will and instead ran a hot bath. Reading that document would make the nightmare real, and she wasn’t ready for it.
Once she tucked herself into bed, she opened the envelope and finally read the contents. Alistair had given her a hint, but seeing the list of assets in black and white was another thing entirely. It mentioned the house, noting that she was already on the title. She would assume the taxes and upkeep beginning in six months. Josie’s treasured ’66 MGB was not to be sold, but if Brynne didn’t want it, she should gift it to Declan Fraser.
There were several pages of legal jargon regarding her pension fund, and royalties from her books would continue to be paid by the publisher into an investment account, which would not be accessible until…
“What the fuck?!” Brynne screeched aloud. She read the last page of the document, and her mouth dropped open in shock. It laid out the conditions surrounding the inheritance in four bullet points:
Brynne must complete her revised manuscript within six months of my death.
Brynne must open her heart to a loving relationship and banish the three-date rule from her vocabulary.
She must endeavor to sustain a relationship with a suitable* man for a year.