Page 13 of Kidnapped from the Paradise Resort
The thought made her cheeks get hot with a blush as details of the extremely graphic dream came back to her. God, she’d been writing all over his lap and begging him to touch her! What was wrong with her, acting like that?
Well, to be fair, shehadbeen sleeping. It wasn’t like you got to choose what you did in your dreams. But still, it felt wrong and highly inappropriate to be having such lascivious dreams about her much younger assistant. No,ex-assistant, she reminded herself again.
At that moment, J’orn stirred and his eyelashes—which were surprisingly long for a man—fluttered.
“What the fuck?” he muttered in a low, guttural voice. “Kara, where are you?”
“J’orn?” She looked at him anxiously. “Are you awake?”
“I am now.” He straightened in his seat, still looking groggy. “Where did you go?”
“What do you mean, where did I go? I’ve been right here the whole time,” she protested.
“Yeah, but a minute ago…in the dream…you were sitting on my lap and we were—” He broke off abruptly but Kara was already staring at him.
“You!” she exclaimed. “You had the same dream I did! You were touching me…groping me!”
“Hey, you weren’t exactly trying to stop me,” he growled, frowning. “Besides, you were in the dream first—you started it.”
“I did not!” Kara protested indignantly. But had she? She did have a hazy memory of standing alone in the swirling blue mist and seeing the giant crow before J’orn had appeared in the dream with her.
He must have seen the dawning recognition on her face because he nodded triumphantly.
“Uh-huh. See? You remember now, don’t you?”
“Just because I was in the dream first doesn’t give you the right to…to touch me,” Kara protested.
“Youaskedme to touch you,” he countered.
“No, I didn’t…did I?” By this time Kara was thoroughly confused. “How is this even possible?” she demanded. “How could we be in the same dream together? I mean—werewe in the same dream?”
“I don’t know—what happened in your dream?” J’orn countered. “Tell me and I’ll tell you if the same thing happened in mine.”
“You were…I was sitting on your lap and you started talking in my ear,” Kara began. “It sent shivers down my spine. And then somehow you started touching me. But I wasn’t wearing what…what I’m wearing now. I just had on a white silk shirt. And er, some white silk underwear,” she added.
“Like that day on the beach?” His voice dropped to a hungry growl. “Gods, I remember that.”
“But do you remember it from the dream or from the beach?” Kara demanded.
J’orn frowned and shifted in the seat.
“You know, I’m not sure. Tell me more—maybe it’ll jog my memory.”
“Well, I mean, you were, you know, cupping my breasts and…and pinching my…”
“Your nipples?” J’orn rumbled softly.
“Well, yes,” Kara admitted.
God, why was she talking to him like this? Why was she admitting that she’d dreamed of him? But somehow, she couldn’t seem to stop.
“Then your hand slipped down between my legs,” she went on, feeling her cheeks getting hot with embarrassment. “And you were…were touching me under…under my panties…”
“Gods, was I cupping your soft little pussy?” J’orn growled and she could hear the hungry lust in his tone.
“I don’t know—were you?” Kara demanded, feeling ashamed and defiant. “I mean, is that what you dreamed too?”
“That depends—in your dream, did youwantme to touch you?” he probed.