Page 38 of Kidnapped from the Paradise Resort
J’orn thumbed the tiny button on the projector and the holo winked out of existence. He knew he had to get over toThe Midnight Loungeimmediately.
But before he left, he had to give a warning and take some precautions.
Kara was eyeing the large white couch in her suite’s living area and thinking about pouring herself a nice glass of wine and watching some mindless program on the entertainment screen. She needed something to take her mind off that massage—she was still weak in the knees from coming so hard and she couldn’t stop picturing J’orn between her thighs, tasting her.
But of course, before she could lounge on the couch, she needed to take a bath or a shower and wash off some of the massage oil. Though truly, she didn’t feeltooslippery, she thought, rubbing her fingers over one arm. She wasn’t sure what kind of oil J’orn had been using, but it seemed to have absorbed nicely into her skin, leaving it silky smooth.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door. Kara jumped. Was it Feex? Now that she knew that one of the kidnappers was working out of The Fem Lovely Resort, she felt nervous about letting anyone into her suite. It felt like everyone was a suspect—which sucked since she had really enjoyed her stay so far.
She had just about decided to ignore the knock when a low, familiar voice called,
“Kara? Open up—I need to talk to you!”
It was J’orn. Her heart fluttered and she had to tell herself sternly not to be silly. There was nothing between them and there never would be. She just had to be firm and let him know that they couldn’t have a relationship.
Taking a deep breath, she went to the door and opened it a crack.
J’orn was standing outside, still wearing the long green robes of the FAAL Order and looking agitated.
“Can I come in—just for a minute?” he asked, looking around the hallway.
“J’orn, I really don’t think?—”
“It’s not about us,” he said quickly. “I know you’re not interested in any kind of relationship—this is about the kidnapping ring.”
“Oh, of course!” Kara stepped aside and let him in, feeling foolish. “What happened?” she asked, as soon as she shut the door behind him.
He explained rapidly that the wife of a prominent Ambassador had been kidnapped from a nightclub near the shuttle station.
“Which means I’m going to have to try and track her down before something bad happens—if it hasn’t already.” J’orn sounded grim. “So I’m not going to be here at the Fem Lovely to watch over you.”
“I’ll be okay,” Kara tried to reassure him. “I already promised you that I wouldn’t leave the resort.”
“I know but I’dreallylike you to consider leaving early,” he said earnestly. “You can come with me—I’ll put you on the next shuttle back to The Mother Ship before I check out The Midnight Lounge.”
Kara frowned.
“Look, I appreciate that you’re trying to make sure I’m safe, but I’m really enjoying this vacation. How about if I promise not to even leave my suite?”
She hated missing the pool, but she had everything she really needed here. There were plenty of books to read, lots of trashy entertainment channels to watch, and the deep bathtub to soak in. Also, the Thought-cooker would make her literally anything at all she could dream up to eat and drink. Staying in her suite wasn’t so bad.
J’orn looked frustrated—he ran a hand over his horns in obvious agitation.
“All right,” he said at last. “If youpromiseto stay right here and not leave your suite or let anyone else enter it, I’ll leave you alone.”
“I promise,” Kara said, nodding. “I’ll stay right here—I won’t step a foot outside my suite.”
He sighed deeply again. Leaning down, he looked intently into her eyes.
“Be safe, Kara. Please,” he rumbled softly. He hugged her tightly for a moment, kissed her on the forehead, and then turned and left the suite.
Kara followed him out into the hallway, unsure of what to say. But there didn’t seem to be any need to say anything at all—J’orn was already walking away.
She stood there, watching until he disappeared around the corner. She wasn’t sure how to feel but her heart was thumping in her chest. She couldn’t help wishing she could call him back and talk to him—justtalkabout the attraction between them. Maybe she’d been too hasty to judge him—maybe the age differencewasn’tsuch a big deal if you were with a Kindred. Maybe?—