Page 7 of Kidnapped from the Paradise Resort
Have to hold on—just a little longer,she thought, gritting her teeth.Have to hold it back—don’t come, Kara. Don’t…Come!
Luckily, just as she was sure she was about to tilt over the edge of orgasm, the vibrations stopped. A moment later, J’orn eased his death grip on her thighs and hips.
“You okay, baby?” he rumbled and there was an unmistakable undertone of lust in his deep voice.
“I…I think so. That was, uh, an adventure.” Kara tried to laugh the awkward situation away. “And since when do you call me ‘baby?’” she added.
“Sorry,” he muttered. “It just slipped out. I guess only your mate gets to call you that, huh?”
“Kevin never called me ‘baby,’” Kara informed him. “And he’s not my mate anymore.”
“What?” His big body stiffened beneath her—it was as though she’d told him some momentous piece of news. “Whatdid you say? Did you dissolve your Bond?”
“Well, we were never really ‘Bonded’ in the Kindred way,” Kara reminded him. “But yes, we got a divorce. Not long after you left the PR department, actually,” she added. “It’s been almost a year now. That’s why I’m taking myself on a private vacation—to celebrate being on my own and not having to deal with Kevin anymore.”
“So you’re going to Paradise Prime all alone?” he asked, sounding worried.
“Yes. Why—is that a problem?” Kara turned her head to look up at him again.
“Yes, it is,” he said shortly. “I’m being sent there on a mission to expose a kidnapping ring that’s operating out of some of the bigger resorts.”
“A kidnapping ring? That’s terrible—are they taking children?” Kara asked anxiously.
He shook his head.
“No—women of prime breeding age. There have been five women kidnapped in the past two solar months—it’s extremely serious.”
“Oh my God—that’s awful!” Kara exclaimed. “What happened to the women?”
“Only two have been recovered—I’m afraid the other three died,” he said grimly. “They were sold to brothels in the Red Light District and the three that died…well, I hate to say it but they were basically fucked to death.”
“What? Is that even possible?” Kara demanded.
He nodded.
“When you’re forced to service hundreds of males a day—some of a much larger species than your own—it’s absolutely possible. I’ve been told that two of the women were even forced to service a Trollox.”
“A Trollox—what’s that?” Kara asked, feeling sick.
“The closest thing I can think of is a troll or a giant from one of your fairytale books,” J’orn said grimly. “Your average Trollox is nine to twelve feet—or three to four meters—tall, and most of them have more than one head on their shoulders.”
“So those poor women were fucked to death by a two-headed troll?” Kara asked, feeling her stomach roll over. “That’shorrible!”
“Which is exactly why you ought to catch the next shuttle the minute we land on Paradise Prime and go back to the Mother Ship,” J’orn told her.
“What?” Kara twisted around to frown up at him again. “That’s ridiculous, though. You said they were taking women of, er, ‘prime breeding age’—that’s pretty much behind me now. Nobody’s going to want to kidnap a middle-aged woman who isn’t exactly thin. They’ll be looking for a pretty young thing who looks good in a bikini.”
J’orn shook his head.
“I don’t understand why you always underestimate yourself, Kara. You’re fuckinggorgeous.As a Mature Elite, you’ll be inmoredanger of being kidnapped—not less.”
Kara felt a surge of pleasure go through her at his compliment—she knew she shouldn’t but she couldn’t help it.
“That’s very kind of you, but I really don’t think I’d be a prime target, J’orn,” she said. “Besides, I’ll be staying at an all-female resort—no males allowed. I should be perfectly safe.”
J’orn frowned.
“I still don’t like the idea of you being alone on Paradise Prime with this kidnapping ring on the loose. But I guess if I can’t change your mind, I’ll just have to escort you to your resort to be certain you get there safely.”