Page 9 of Kidnapped from the Paradise Resort
But J’orn said yes.
“Yerba juice would be good if you have it,” he added.
“We do, Sir. Chilled yerba juice coming right up,” she said sweetly. A moment later she passed a chilled cup over the seat divider. J’orn reached for it and Kara found the tray table on the back of the seat in front of them and let it down so he would have a place to put the juice if he wanted to. She also noticed, as she did, that there was no holo-screen for any in-flight entertainment.
“Excuse me,” she said to the attendant.
“Yes—have you changed your mind about having a snack?” The third eye—which was bright blue—blinked at her.
“No, thank you,” Kara said politely. “But I was wondering where the holo-screen is for the in-flight entertainment?”
“Oh, I’m afraid that’s not available in our Ultra Economy section,” the attendant told her. “However, wedooffer an Immersive Dream Experience which will help to pass the time instead.”
“A Dream Experience? What’s that?” Kara asked, frowning.
“We give you a tiny puff of Dream Gas mixed with a mild relaxant,” the attendant said. “This enables you to drift into a soothing dream state where you have lovely, vivid dreams and don’t wake up until we reach Paradise Prime. Many of our customers prefer it to the in-flight entertainment,” she added. “A little nap always makes you feel so refreshed and ready to start your vacation.”
“Oh, well…I’ll think about it,” Kara said uncertainly.
“You do that. We’ll be coming back around with the Dream Gas cart as soon as we finish the snack and beverage service.”
The attendant moved on, leaving Kara to wonder if she ought to try the Immersive Dream Experience or not.
“So what do you think about the Dream Gas? Are you going to take some?” Kara asked, as soon as the flight attendant moved on down the aisle.
“Don’t know—I might,” J’orn said. He didn’t usually like being drugged but Dream Gas was fairly mild and honestly, anything that helped him forget he had the woman of his dreams on his lap—a woman he knew he could never have—might be a good idea.
Gods, he couldn’t believe he had his arms around her and her soft little bottom was pressed against his shaft. He only wished this was happening in different circumstances—and that Kara actuallywantedhim to be holding her instead of just tolerating his presence.
From the moment he’d first been introduced to Kara Landing, he’d known the curvy little Earth woman was the only one for him. It had struck him like a blow between the eyes the first time he’d seen her and took her hand in his to greet her.
He hadn’t cared that she was his boss—or that she was more than ten years older than him. She was the woman he was destined to be with—he was sure of it. Everything about her drew him like a moth to a flame—her full, curvy figure including her wide hips and deliciously large ass…her long brown hair which she always flicked over her shoulder when she was distracted or concentrating on a problem…her big brown eyes that looked exactly like melted dark chocolate, which also happened to be her favorite Earth confection. There wasn’t a single thing about her that J’orn didn’t love.
His devastation when he’d learned that she already had a mate had been total, because it was an unwritten rule that a Kindrednevercame between an already Bonded couple. But as he learned more about the humans who had come to live aboard the Mother Ship, he realized that their idea of Bonding wasn’t at all the same as the Kindred idea.
The Kindred mated for life and formed a mental and emotional connection—a Soul Bond—that couldn’t be severed by anything but death. The humans, on the other hand, never formed such a connection. They simply signed a piece of paper and said some vows. Which meant that they were able to dissolve their union any time they pleased.
Like Kara’s union is dissolved now,he couldn’t help thinking. He wasn’t surprised that she’d finally left that useless mate of hers. Kevin—what a stupid name!—had been utterly unwilling to help with any of the domestic labor of their household. He acted like all the cooking and cleaning were exclusively Kara’s job, just because she was female!
It was the stupidest thing J’orn had ever seen—in a Kindred household, the chores were split evenly between the two partners. Or three, in the case of the Twin Kindred, who shared a woman.
Her mate also hadn’t satisfied her in the least. How many times had she come to work with the scent of sexual need on her? It was a scent he smelled now too, and it was driving him fuckingwildthough he was doing his best not to show it. But thank the Goddess, there was no scent of another male on her. So though she was clearly unfulfilled—more than unfulfilled, almostin heat,he amended to himself—at least she wasn’t trying to find some unworthy male to scratch her itch.
And who do you think would be worthy—you?asked a contemptuous voice in his head.You know how she feels about you—she thinks you’re too young—too inexperienced to protect and serve her and meet her sexual needs!
He could still remember the way she had dismissed him from her service in the PR department so casually, as though he meant nothing to her. As though he was a used tissue she was throwing away.
The thought made his anger surge…and his determination. Kara might not think much of him, but he would prove her wrong, he promised himself. He would escort her to the resort she was staying at and be certain she was safe. Inwardly, he resolved to keep track of her movements and be sure she was staying in the resort as she had promised and that she wasn’t in any danger. She might think that the kidnappers wouldn’t want her because of her age, but J’orn was convinced she was wrong.
Kara always had the strangest ideas about her appearance. She thought that because she had a few crow's feet around her eyes and laugh lines around the corners of her mouth that she was unattractive. She also spoke disparagingly about her weight. J’orn could never understand that because the Kindred loved curvy women. But he had learned that human males didn’t. In fact, they shunned them—J’orn wondered if maybe her ex-mate had made hurtful comments about her curves that made her self-conscious about them.
Whatever the reason—either her judgmental society or her stupid ex-husband—his former boss had never understood how truly beautiful she was.
J’orn longed to kneel at her feet and make her believe in her own beauty. He longed to spread her thighs and worship her pussy with his tongue—to part her outer lips and taste her sweet juices while she gripped his horns and moaned his name, thrusting her hips up to meet him as she came all over his face.