Page 16 of Logan
Once she reached the top, Emily ducked onto the deserted rooftop, the cool air whipping against her face as she approached the edge. She took out the mini binoculars and checked the roof on the other side. It had vent ducts as well as a door to the stairwell. That would be the easiest entry, but night infiltrations were tricky, especially with a paraglider.
Why are you considering that contraption to fly?Logan’s voice seemed to purr in her mind and her body heated, despite the cool breeze on the roof.
Never mind. It’s none of your business.
Everything to do with you is my business.
Buzz off.
I am not a bee.
Her lips pursed, and she was glad he couldn’t see her, and had forgotten what teasing was like.
Can you at least fly like one?
You are being intentionally disrespectful. I have much admiration for the flying mechanics of a bee, but I assure you, my wings are far sturdier.
She put the binoculars back in their pouch and took out the tiny camera. She began taking pics of the roof as well as the street below.
I will take your word for it. But can you make honey? Because it’s one of my favorites.She smiled, unsure what he would do. Her statement was true. She would often toast bread and put nothing but honey on it. But her boot touched a jar at her feet, and she knelt down to pick it up. The small sparkling jar of honey looked delicious, and her jaw dropped slightly. She knew Logan put it there, but had no idea how he did it.
I assure you a honeybee cannot please you as I can.
Her entire body reacted to his words. She wasn’t sure what to say or do. She had never flirted with anyone, let alone someone in her own head.
You are distracting me.
I have thought of nothing but you since I laid eyes on you. We are even.
After she zipped up her body purse, she jogged to the stairs and headed to the elevator. A young man was in the lift, and he looked her over with appreciation. She was tiny, but she was in excellent shape. She couldn’t do the things she did if she weren’t.
“Do you live in this building? I have never seen you before.”
She smiled at him. “No, just dropping off a package that was mailed to me by mistake.”
“That’s kind of you. My name is Marco.” He held his hand out, but she heard Logan growl in her head.
“It’s nice to meet you, Marco,” she pretended like she was about to shake his hand, but then put her hand on her body purse. “Sorry, I have a call.”
She pulled out her cell and pretended to answer it. “Hey, Mom.” The elevator reached the bottom, and she jogged out. Once outside, she put the phone away and made her way around the building. She took photos of the entrances, but decided a roof entry was still preferable. The buildings were pretty far apart, but a zipline would be safer than a paraglider.
She checked the name listed for the top floor on the building’sregistry. It was a large silver slab near the entrance that listed the various businesses located inside.
She needed a lot more information on Dark Industries and hoped her uncle had done some prior recon on the company and its owner.
As if on cue, her phone pinged. She was running back the way she came after reading the text from her uncle.
Where are you going, Emily?
Let me work. I will get in touch with you later.
You better.He cut contact, and she felt mildly bereft. Was it strange to want that connection?
Emily strolled leisurely down the bustling city streets, the rhythmic hum of traffic serving as a backdrop to her thoughts. Despite her Uncle Ming’s eagerness to meet with her, she took her time navigating the crowded sidewalks, allowing herself a moment of respite amidst the chaos of the urban landscape.
As she walked, Emily observed the eclectic mix of people bustling past her. Some clutched drinks or were laden with shopping bags, others dressed in sharp suits and carried sleek briefcases. They were the upstanding citizens of the town, their polished exteriors masking the complexities of their lives.