Page 9 of Logan
Emily put her fingers to her head. “I’m losing my mind.”
Logan moved to the couch and sat beside her. His eyes moved to the stain on her shoulder. “You are hurt.”
Emily ignored the sexy man sitting on her couch. “It’s not real. It’s not real.”
Logan stood and scooped her into his arms. “If I am not real, you won’t mind me tending to your injuries.”
She tried to struggle, but it was like a kitten battling a lion, and she gave up as he walked toward her bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed, but she scrambled up toward the headboard.
Logan held his hand up. “Be at ease. I will simply heal your wound.”
Emily didn’t trust anybody, let alone a complete stranger who just murdered another in her living room, yet as she searched his gorgeous features, she found herself leaning toward him slightly.
He placed his hand on her shoulder, and a subtle warmth spread through her body. She could feel the tissues reaching for one another, melding back together as if nothing had happened.
He stared at the wound as if concentrating, and her eyes roamed over his features. He had dark hair that reminded her of milk chocolate. His hair was short and styled to one side, but it was his eyes that intrigued her. They appeared brown right now, but she had seen them have a lavender glow when he was fighting.
The warmth faded, and when he removed his hand, even the red stain was gone.
She touched the fabric, feeling somewhat revitalized. As if he had infused her with strength as well as repaired the damaged tissue.
“How is that possible?” she asked.
“Magic,” he said, as if that were normal.
“That is incredible.” Her gaze continued to roam over him like he was a tasty morsel, and some of the images that formed in her mind were not rated G. She had never been this attracted to a man. Sure, she found some mildly handsome, but this bordered on embarrassing.
“Tell me when you first used yours?” Logan asked.
“Used what?” Her thoughts had wandered, which was unusual for her.
“Your magic. When did you first use it?”
“I don’t have magic? I don’t know what you are talking about.”
Logan stared at her for some time. “You do, and it has started to bleed through. Though perhaps you didn’t realize you were utilizing your power, I’m told that can happen when a druid is emerging.”
“A druid? You think I am... Is that what you are?”
Logan shook his head. “I am not.” He glanced at the door. “Perhaps it would be best if I made you some tea. We have much to discuss, and I am told it is soothing for a human.” He left her lying on the bed, but after a few seconds, she scrambled out of bed.
She approached the living room cautiously, but found him standing in the kitchen pouring water into her kettle. Why did the large man look so comfortable there?
This couldn’t be happening. Whatever he was, he was in danger if he stayed to help her. “I can make my own tea, Logan. I don’t know who you are or what just happened, but I need you to leave.”
Emily’s frustration simmered beneath the surface as Logan steadfastly ignored her request for him to leave, his attention seemingly fixated on the simple task of making tea in her kitchen. The sight of the muscular, good-looking man moving about her space with such ease only served to exacerbate her irritation, leaving her feeling increasingly exasperated by his presence.
“Please,” she bit out.
“No,” he said, placing two tea bags in her floral teapot.
As Emily watched him, a sense of frustration welled up within her, mingling with the uncertainty and confusion that had plagued her since their initial encounter. She had no idea what Logan was, other than the fact that he was definitely not human.
“What will it take to get you to leave?” In her line of work, she had learned if brute force didn’t work, then negotiation might.
“Simply to talk. I wish to tell you about your people, and of mine.”