Page 38 of Fractured Mind
The heat of embarrassment creeps up my chest and onto my face. She gives me a blank look until a slow, devilish grin takes over her face. Her head tips back as she bellows out laughter. If possible, my cheeks heat even more, and I’m certain they’re red. Surely, she doesn’t know. I haven’t said a word.
She holds her belly. “It hurts,” she says through her laughter. I scowl at her. “Did you have a pleasant dream about Ashton?” she asks in a seductive voice.
I squeak. “How do you know?”
She points at me. “It’s written all over your face.”
“No way! Really?”
“Really!” she repeats, mocking me.
If she can read my face, then everyone can. “I’m not going to school today.”
Ruby rolls her eyes. “I’m sure every girl in the school has had a dream about one of them.” She presses the home screen on my phone, which is on the nightstand. “We will be late now.”
Against my better judgment, I go to school, but we miss the first few classes. When lunchtime rolls around, my breathing is erratic as I wipe my clammy hands on my pants.What if he sees it on my face, too?I bury my head in my hands.
Someone sits beside me, and a hand pats my back. “There, there,” Ruby taunts.
My head shoots up as I whack her shoulder, and she laughs again. “It’s your fault for making me go to school today. I knew I shouldn’t have.”
I hear Levi’s hysterical laughter before the four of them grab a seat at the table. My breath hitches when Ashton sits next to me, but I refuse to glance in his direction.
“How come you two missed class this morning, hmmm?”
My body stiffens at Levi’s question. My eyes dart around as I think of an excuse.
“Yes, Mia,” Ruby teases with the smuggest grin on her face. “Please explain to everyone why we were late this morning.”
“I slept in.” I give Ruby a stern look, warning her not to say another word. She presses her lips together, but her eyes still dance with laughter. Levi’s forehead scrunches as he glances between us.
Ashton squeezes my thigh. My eyes meet the ones in my dream this morning, and the embarrassment floods me again. He searches my eyes. “Are you feeling all right?”
I nod, but Ruby leans forward, joining in the conversation. “Oh,she’s fantastic.”
I glare daggers at her. She seems to not be getting the memo, so I let out a growl.
“Was that another purr, kitten?” Levi taunts.
I drop my head into my hands again as I try to ignore their attempts to stir me up.
I ignore them for the remaining part of the day. When the school day ends, I hurry toward Ruby’s car. Almost there... until a car door opens and Ashton steps out, rising to his full height. My gaze roams over his body and his perfect face. I jerk my head away and peer at the school.Hurry, Ruby!
Ashton saunters over. “Are you avoiding me?”
I scoff. “No!”Liar.
His eyes sparkle as he leans in. “You sure?” he asks, his voice gravelly.
My breathing is shallow, and I briefly close my eyes.One of us will leave, I remind myself. I roll my shoulders back. “Yes, I’m sure.” I’m proud of how confident I sound.
He shifts back. “Good. I’ll see you after school to go for a run.”
“I’m not feeling well.” It’s the first thing that pops into my head. “Maybe another day?”
A smirk quickly replaces his look of disappointment. “I’ll take care of you then.”
It’s clear he knows I’m lying.