Page 70 of Fractured Mind
“We don’t have any parents, and our aunt left when we turned eighteen. It’s just us here and, as you can see, we have plenty of space. Come on, let’s dance.”
And we do just that. The songs seem to run together, and I don’t know how long we’ve danced. There’s a sheen of sweat on my forehead and I’m out of breath, panting, but I’ve been smiling so much my cheeks hurt.
Ruby was drinking while we were dancing, and as we move outside for some air, she trips. I grab her arm in time and hold her upright. She cackles like a lunatic. “Whoops, I didn’t see that step there.”
Even though there’s no step, I chuckle to myself.
Her hands cover her crotch. “I need to wee.” She shuffles, then squints down the backyard. “See the fire over there?”
It’s the only fire here, so of course I see it. “Yes, Ruby, I see it.” I’m amused at her current state.
“The guys are down there. I’ll meet you there after I wee.” She veers to the left as she walks.
As I turn, two girls who are strangers are in my face. “Oh my gosh,” one says, over-pronouncing every word. “You’re Mia Monroe, aren’t you?” Then she glances at her friend, not allowing me to answer. “See, I told you it was her,” she says to her friend with a proud smile.
Both turn to me, and I’m unsure whether I’m supposed to answer them now. “Ah, yeah, that’s me,” I reply awkwardly.
They jump up and down on the spot, holding hands and giggling. “You should be our friend.” The other nods in agreement. “If you were, we could be close with Ashton, Levi, Roman, and Jackson.”
I take two steps away from them.
“And Theo,” the other adds, letting out a long sigh and clutching her chest.
“Mia!” I turn to the sound of my name being called and groan inwardly when I see it’s Maree. She and her friends stand off to the side, away from the crowd. She waves me over with a smile. I weigh up my options. Is she worse than these two bimbos trying to use me to meet my friends?
“I’ve got to go.” I bolt away from them, pretending I don’t hear them calling my name as I leave. How the guys handle being around girls like that, I’ll never know. One conversation with them and I’m worried their lack of brain cells has rubbed off on me.
I drag my feet over to Maree. I want to finish this fake conversation and go to Ashton. Maree’s friends leave her, eyeing me as they go, which is weird. Maree and one guy remain.
“I love the dress!”
My mouth gapes open at her compliment.She must be drunk.
She searches around me, peering over my shoulder. “Where are all ofyourfriends?”
My back stiffens. I wonder if she’s asking about my friends or about Ashton, but regardless, Ashton is mine. “Ruby’s in the bathroom and I’m heading to the bonfire with everyone else.”
She smiles. “I wanted you to know Ashton looks happy with you... You’re a nice girl. I just hope you don’t get hurt.”
This is the last thing I want to talk to her about. “I’ll be fine.” I look around, desperately hoping someone can save me from this conversation.
“Yeah, I’m sure you will be... How rude of me, this is my cousin Joe.” He’s mid-pour when she introduces him. When he finishes filling the cup, he passes Maree the drink, which she doesn’t need. He turns his attention to me, making me squirm as his eyes focus on my breasts and then move down my dress. My stomach churns at the creepy vibe he’s giving me.
“You want one?” he asks, tilting his head toward the drink.
No chance in hell was on the tip of my tongue, but I force out, “No, I don’t drink.”
Maree’s brows lift high on her forehead. “You don’t drink?” she repeats, sounding shell-shocked.
“That’s right.”
She leans over and says something quietly to her cousin. “Well, we have some cola if you want it.”
My mouth waters. I’m so thirsty. I need a drink after all that dancing. “Do you have cans?” I ask, glancing at her cousin because I don’t trust him.
“We sure do. I’ll get you one.” She moves toward the white-and-blue cooler.
Her cousin’s eyes are still on my breasts and I’m over it, so I clear my throat loudly. His attention still lingers there, like he’s enjoying making me uncomfortable. When his eyes lift to meet mine, his smile is cold.