Page 22 of Primal Bonds 1
Adam took a liking to me? Of course, I kind of had a feeling that that was the case, what with him helping me, buying me clothes, and letting me staying here and stuff, but now that it was mentioned aloud, I felt dumbfounded. But what about last night? Didn’t Adam expect compensation from me or…
Chase turned on his heel and headed into the living room. As I shut the door, my mind was on Adam and what last night had meant.
Chase did a thorough check on me, and despite his scruffy appearance, which made him look like he hadn’t had a proper sleep for days, he was very alert, gentle, and kind when he examined me. Embarrassingly enough, he even checked my ass, too, and I had to control the urge to run away. Fuck, I knew he wasn’t going to hurt me, but the fear was just too raw. Of course, I knew the reason why he’d check me there. Beastkin boys like me living in the streets got raped by gangs and random men all too often.
As I pulled my new jeans on again, he said, “We need to get you back to my clinic to get some blood tests and an X-ray done.”
I widened my eyes. “I need to get those done, too? But I can’t pay you and stuff.”
Chase chuckled, taking off his surgical gloves. “It’s fine. I’ll just bill Adam.”
I furiously shook my head. “No. Please don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?” It was Adam’s voice and I turned to the door to see him standing there looking over at me, and I felt my face flushing hot. To Chase, he said, “You done checking Shiro?”
Chase nodded. “For now, but I need him back at the clinic to get some blood tests and an X-ray done later. I want to make sure his bones are fine and there’s nothing sinister going on.”
Adam nodded. “Good idea.” He turned on his heel. “Come on, let’s have dinner first.”
Chase picked up his physician bag and then followed Adam.
I hastily put on my hoodie and got off the bed. I said loudly as I walked out the door, “I don’t think an X-ray and blood tests are necessary. I’m totally fine apart from the bruises and stuff.”
Adam turned to look at me and said firmly, “Listen to what the doctor says, Shiro.” Then he entered the living room.
Chase turned to me and gave me a wink. He said softly, “He cares.”
He cares. Adam cares.The words made my heart flutter with a sense of hope and joy.
Chase went into the bathroom to wash his hands while I headed into the living room.
The moment I entered, I saw Adam putting plates filled with fettuccine and slices of steak on the tabletop. Oh, fuck, the picture made my knees weak, and once again, emotions stirred inside my chest.
I walked toward the table, wondering which seat I should take. I noticed one of the spots had a glass ofwhat appeared to be orange juice so I assumed that seat was meant for me. I took it as Adam poured wine into two glasses. Chase came into the room then. The moment he spotted the wine, he eagerly grabbed one glass and took a sip.
“Mmm… Cabernet Sauvignon, always hits the spot,” he said, a smile on his lips.
Adam sat down on the chair next to mine and then dug right into his meal. I dug in, too, putting a slice of steak into my mouth. Instantly, emotions stirred again at the fact that I got to eat something this wonderful and delicious. I controlled myself from bursting out crying like I had done this morning since I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of Adam and Chase. The fettuccini was so good; the creaminess was beyond words. I loved it so much.
“Beastkin do have big appetite, don’t they?” Chase said, looking at me.
I nodded. “I guess so.”
“Want seconds?” Adam asked.
Seconds? Yes, please.But I shook my head.
“It was delicious, thank you.”
Adam sighed and reached over. He took my plate as he said, “You need to learn to speak your mind, Shiro.” Then he was up and heading over to the kitchen.
“Adam is right; you should speak your mind, Shiro.” He tilted his head to one side. “Is that a foxkin thing? Or is it because you’re conditioned into that type of behavior?”
I said, “I guess I was… conditioned…”