Page 24 of Primal Bonds 1
Chase, who had arrived a few seconds before us, came over to me and said, “Come on.”
I followed him, and we were at the door when I turned, having just realized Adam wasn’t with us. I saw the man standing back there, leaning against his car.
“You’re not coming?” I asked.
“I have a few things to do,” he said. “I’ll pick you up later.”
I nodded hesitantly. “Okay.”
I had no idea why, but the fact that Adam wasn’t close by freaked me out. It wasn’t like we had known each other our whole lives and we were intimate or anything, but…
But what was it? Why did I suddenly feel lost and alone? I mean, we had only known each other for like a day and a bit, for heaven’s sake. Why was I suddenly feeling clingy toward Adam?
“Take good care of him, Chase,” Adam said. “You won’t be getting any donation if you don’t.”
Chase chuckled. “Threatening me with that now, are we?” To me, he said, “Come on, Shiro, let’s leave Adam to deal with his personal business.”
“Mm-hmm,” I responded, taking one last look at Adam, who was watching me.
The moment we entered the foyer, I widened my eyes in awe.
Oh, wow! The inside was completely different from the outside. It was very modern with marble floor and painted walls, unlike the dubious façade of the outside. This place looked like a proper clinic.
To the other side, I noticed a reception desk and seats along the waiting bay. Obviously, no one was there since it was nighttime and the clinic was closed.
I followed Chase up the stairs and then along the hallway to the back of the building and soon we came into a room where there were lots of small and large machines. They had a lab here?
“Hello? Frances, you dead or alive?” Chase called out.
A pair of rabbit ears popped up, followed by a voice saying, “How outrageous! Of course, I’m alive.”
I followed Chase to a corner of the room and saw a plump rabbitkin woman in a white lab coat sitting in front of the computer with papers scattered across the desk. The moment she saw me, she widened her eyes.
A beastkin? Working? And in a lab, too? Was that… possible?
“Oh, hello there,” she said, nudging a pair of large spectacles up the bridge of her nose.
“Hi,” I replied.
“Frances, this is Shiro. He’s Adam’s boy. We’re doing a general checkup on him,” Chase said. “So blood tests, please.”
“Adam’s boy?” she said. “Oh, wow! That’s… unexpected.”
“Yep,” Chase said. “Very unexpected. Can you take care of him while I get the X-ray machine ready?”
Frances did a salute. “A-okay, boss,” she said.
Chase turned on his heel and then left the room.
Alone with Frances, she said, “Wow, you’re very beautiful. I’m not surprised you’re Adam’s boy, not that he ever had one before.”
I wasn’t quite sure what they meant by saying I was Adam’s boy, but had a vague feeling it was probably because Adam was taking care of me or something like that.
Frances stood then, and despite that I wasn’t tall by any means, Frances was even shorter than me, with her head coming up to just about my shoulder. The tips of her rabbit ears, though, did reach my head.
“Now then,” she said. “Shall we start drawing your blood?” She turned and was about to walk off when shestopped short and asked, “Are you, by any chance, scared of needles?”
I shook my head. “I got injections all the time when I was in the institute.”