Page 35 of Primal Bonds 1
Shiro cooking breakfast for him? That sounded marvelous.
Adam nodded. “Sure. You do that.”
The boy smiled brightly, and it did more than cause his heart to flutter. Adam decided then that he loved Shiro’s bright smile, the one that made his eyes light up with delight. It was a sight to behold for sure. That other smile, the one when he found the situation amusing, the one he had given Chase last night over dinner, and that had messed with his heart, too, Adam had to admit, which had been the reason why he had dropped the plate.
“Thanks,” he said. “I’m looking forward to whatever you’re preparing for breakfast.” He ruffled the boy’s hair and then got out of bed. Just as he was leaving, he thought to add, “No pressure,” which made the boy widen his eyes.
He was teasing, of course, but oh well, that shocked look just now was quite interesting.
Adam made quick work of his shower, and after donning his powerful suit, he headed toward the living room. He was walking in through the door when he smelled something burning.
Uh-oh, looked like breakfast wasn’t going well after all. Was it the pressure?
Standing there in the middle of the kitchen looking as flustered as hell was Shiro, one hand holding on to the handle of the frying pan while the other held a spatula, vigorously sautéing lumps of something dark brown. Adam was sure that was once scrambled eggs.
Chuckling, he came over and asked, “Need any help?”
“Huh?” Shiro turned to look at him then, his eyes teary and his cheeks red. Fuck! Just what was that expression? But Shiro looked so fucking cute and vulnerable, and this overwhelming urge to both protect and tease stirred hot inside him.
Adam burst out laughing. He couldn’t help himself.
Shiro looked mortified and said, “Don’t laugh!” He sighed. “I’ve ruined breakfast.”
Adam ruffled the boy’s hair and, without himself even knowing it, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on the boy’s forehead. Just as he had done that, he said softly under his breath. “Fuck!”
Shiro stood there, frozen, gazing up at him, his eyes large. He looked, not so surprisingly, shocked at receiving that nonchalant kiss, the gentle, loving type.
Adam cleared his throat and took the frying pan and spatula from the boy’s hands. He said, “Why don’t you go get cleaned up. I’ll get breakfast ready.”
Flustered, Shiro stammered, “Sorry, I haven’t cooked since I was ten.”
Of course, they didn’t teach beastkin children how to cook at the institute.
Adam said, “It’s fine.”
While Shiro rushed off to shower, Adam expertly prepared their breakfast. He had always loved cooking and would spend time in the kitchen of the Sullivan Mansion whenever he had the chance.
When Shiro returned, now looking fresh and wearing a pair of jeans and another hoodie, this one black, breakfast was done.
“Wow!” the boy said. “You’re really good at cooking, Adam. You’ll have to teach me. Mom used to teach us, but that was a long time ago and I have forgotten most of it.”
Leaning forward and resting an elbow on the countertop, he asked, “Then why did you offer to cook?”
Face blushing hot, the boy said, “Because I thought it’d be a nice gesture. I mean, you have done so much for me, and I just have to return the favors.”
Adam chuckled. “You’re good boy, Shiro.”
They continued eating in silence for a few moments, then Shiro asked, “Adam, about the medical bill, how expensive is it?”
Adam raised a brow. “Why do you ask?”
“Because I heard medical bills are very expensive and you have to have like health insurance and stuff.”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” Adam said. “It’s all taken care of. And speaking of which, shouldn’tyou be taking your medications Chase prescribed for you?”
“Oh!” The boy gasped. “Right. I forgot.” He got off the bar stool and rushed out the door.
That was fast, Adam thought. Shiro had moved swiftly and smoothly. Did the boy even know he was doing it? Didn’t that mean his vitality was already back to normal?