Page 47 of Primal Bonds 1
“You’re welcome,” Adam said, ruffling the boy’s hair across the table.
Once Lan left, I helped Adam clean up, considering I was no longer a houseguest, but rather now a boarder.
A boarder.The word sounded new and alien to me, but at the same time, it brought me this sense of joy. I had never boarded a room before, let alone one this fancy and luxurious and in a penthouse, too. I just knew I had to work hard and make Adam proud of me for all that he had done for me. And maybe one day, I’d get to pay him back for his kindness.
It was quite late when we left the penthouse and drove to Chase’s clinic, and along the way, I told Adam what Lan had told me about the Medi gadget. Adam said he’ll tell Chase about it, which was a relief for me. And now here I was, finding myself lying facedown on an operating table and a local anesthesia was injected into me. Chase was on one side while Janet was on the other, doing surgery on me, removing that Medi gadget out from behind my left ear. Strangely enough, I wasn’t nervous like I thought I’dbe and the whole thing was done without any hiccups. Chase was a very good surgeon, I found out, and an hour later, I was wheeled into one of the wards on the third floor. Apparently, I had to stay overnight in case something unexpected happened, so Chase had said.
Janet helped me into bed, not that I needed any help, and as she tucked me in, she said, “Remember the two boys? They’re your roommates, Shiro.”
I looked across the room, and sure enough, on the opposite side of me were the two beastkin boys from before who were brought in. They were currently in their beds and watching me curiously.
Harris, the rabbitkin boy, asked, “You okay? Did something happen?”
I said, “I just got a minor surgery done.”
Fred, the catkin boy, said, “Dr. Chase fixed you up, did he?”
“Yeah,” I replied.
Beside me, Janet said, “If you boys need anything, just holler.”
We nodded, and she left us to it. I was just making myself comfortable when Fred asked, “Hey, thanks for yesterday.”
I suspected he was thanking me for helping them when they were brought in. I said, “It’s okay.” I licked my lip and asked, “So… I know it’s traumatizing and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but what happened?”
The two looked sick to their stomach, and I knew that feeling well.
“Sorry,” I said. “Tony and his gang, they did some horrible things to me, too.”
“They did?” Fred asked.
I nodded. “When I first came to this part of town six months ago. I was looking for my brothers and I didn’t know much about this part of the city, so I got targeted by Tony.”
Harris said, “I’m sorry to hear that. Those bastards, they always target the weak ones like us.”
Fred nodded. “But they won’t be doing that anymore, because they got fucked up real bad.”
I raised my brows. I had heard about that from the streets today, and asked, “Did you hear about that, too? That The Beautiful Monster finally annihilated them?”
Harris and Fred looked at each other. Fred said, “We didn’t hear about it. Wesawit.”
Harris nodded his head furiously. “We saw The Beautiful Monster.”
“He really is beautiful,” Fred said. “Like, hot.”
“He’s human though,” Harris said.
“No, he’s not,” Fred said. “He’s an alpha. There is no way any human can move like the way The Beautiful Monster moves.”
Harris said, “Yeah, he’s real fast. Likewhish! One second he’s near the door, and the next, he’s on the other side of the room, and the room is huge, you know.” His voice excited and urgent, he continued. “And he had Tony up against the wall with one hand wrapped around Tony’s neck. I snuck a peek and saw that bastard choking. Like really choking.”
Fred nodded. “I saw the whole thing.” He turned to Harris. “You were too scared to watch.”
“I was not,” Harris said. “I kind of hid and peeked.”